Page 4 - NAFIF-2019-Facility-Reference-Guide
P. 4

**Important to Note**

                    EI Target & Facility Goal Incentive
                    In an effort to hit our overall facility goal, we will be setting individualized targets for
                    each EI based on the composition of your portfolio. We will send out individualized
                    goals prior to the breakout calls which will be the number of interviews you will need to
                    complete to be eligible for this incentive.

                                             Ending Portfolio Size
                             Tier               (Product IOPs)               Post Field Bonus
                              1                      151+              $              1,000.00
                              2                     101-150            $                 750.00
                              3                     51-100             $                 500.00
                              4                       1-50             $                 250.00

                       ·  IOPs in your portfolio, including Past Participants are subject to reassignment at
                          any time during field
                       ·  We will do our best to check in with you prior to any reassignments
                       ·  We will begin portfolio reviews in week 3 or 4; we urge you to get a quick start
                          on setting appointments and completing interviews
                       ·  Your tier for the Facility Goal Incentive can fluctuate based on reassignments
                       ·  We will discuss these topics in the Breakout Calls

                    Portfolio Information, Client Endorsements and Sales Rep Name

                    Included in your tool kit will be a spreadsheet with your basic portfolio information, as
                    well as client endorsements and sales rep names. We hope that you will find having all
                    of this information available in one place will be helpful.

                    Sales Reps

                    Please have these names available for the interview to accomplish:

                        ·  Keeping the interview shorter
                        ·  Enhancing the Buy-Side Client’s experience, as it shows past participants that
                            we don’t start from scratch
                        ·  Better use of interview time
                        ·  The sales reps’ names have been verified (spelling, etc.), use this as a guide to
                            accurately enter the names correctly into Confirmit.

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