Page 7 - NAFIF-2019-Facility-Reference-Guide
P. 7

                    As we are striving to make the interviewing experience better for both you and the Buy-
                    Side Client we want to standardize how EIs are reporting information back to GA.
                    Please take the time to read the sections below. We will be discussing these topics on
                    the Breakout Call.

                    LOI – Length of Interview/QTYPE
                    To provide a better interviewing experience for you and the Buy-Side Client, we want to
                    shorten the questionnaires. It is critical that you report on QAR timing as accurately as
                    possible so we can analyze data throughout the facility and see how long the QARs
                    are running.

                    For example, if we’re struggling in a product and notice that the interview time is too
                    long, we might opt for another strategy. Since this is all self-reported data, we are
                    asking you to be mindful of putting in accurate time spent by the Buy-Side Client. This
                    is critically important because we will make strategic decisions based on your intel, for
                    this facility and future facilities.

                    Qtype     Description                QIntTime – Length of Interview

                    Full –    You had a conversation     Please put in the time of the entire conversation
                    Tablet    in person or over the
                              phone with the RP and
                              put the data directly into
                              the tablet
                    Full –    The RP sent the Full           •       Option 1: If you had a conversation with the RP
                    Excel     excel back to you filled           around Open Ended commentary or data
                              out                                related please note the time of the conversation
                                                             •       Option 2: If you were never able to speak with
                                                                 the RP after they returned the Excel, please put

                    Topline   The RP sent the Topline        •       Option 1: If you had a conversation with the RP
                    – Excel   excel back to you filled           around Open Ended commentary or data
                              out                                related please note the time of the conversation
                                                             •       Option 2: If you were never able to speak with
                                                                 the RP after they returned the Excel, please put
                    Topline   You had a conversation     Please note the time of the entire conversation
                    –         with the RP and YOU did
                    Paper     it in excel (full or topline)
                              and then entered the
                              data into EIPM

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