Page 5 - NAFIF-2019-Facility-Reference-Guide
P. 5

·  Please be vigilant about putting the sales rep name into Confirmit even for
                            recorded interviews
                        ·  The first EI who calls us indicating that they have read to this point will receive

                    Please note: We are not providing Client Name report or Volume Verification Reports
                    this year. The Client Names you will find in the spreadsheet mentioned above. The
                    volumes will be pre-populated into EIPM and can also be found on the pre-populated
                    QARs. Sales Rep names can also be found in the pre-populated excel questionnaire.

                    Top Line QAR – Most Important Questions

                           ·  All Volume Questions
                           ·  Market Share Driven Penetration Questions
                           ·  All Open Ends
                           ·  All E-trading questions
                           ·  Understanding Acting on Needs
                           ·  Business Momentum Questions
                           ·  Sales Rep Rank Question
                           ·  Best Research Rank Question
                           ·  Best Access to Traders Rank Question

                    Please note: Open ended questions are included in the full and topline excels


                    For NAFIF, you will be able to send out the full pre-populated excels which you will find
                    in your Interviewers folder on GoAnywhere. Before you send this document to a Buy-
                    Side Client, you will need to follow the steps below to correct row height formatting.

                    Expanding the Rows:

                    In the excel, some of the rows come in truncated (see Q2 highlighted), following the
                    steps below will allow you to see the text in its entirety:

                    Step 1 - Click on the triangle in the upper left corner of the spreadsheet (first arrow).
                    This will highlight the entire sheet.
                    Step 2 - Move your cursor to the line in between rows 3 and 4 (second arrow)
                    Step 3 – Double click when you see this symbol      and the row height throughout the
                    document will expand to fit in the text

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