Page 8 - NAFIF-2019-Facility-Reference-Guide
P. 8

EIPM Codes – How to Use

                    Status                                           Type of Code   How/When to Use
                    000-OK                                          Open           - Default
                                                                                   - What to set the status to  when
                                                                                   an account is open or when you
                                                                                   change a 332 back to Open
                    096-Contact noted, not reached yet              Open           Please use this when given a
                                                                                   client outreach lead to note you
                                                                                   are working the lead
                    099-In Process of Scheduling                    Open
                                                                                   **Only use this if scheduling an
                                                                                   interview is imminent**
                    332-Complete without validation                 Open           - When you have entered data
                                                                                   but not cleaned/transmitted the
                                                                                   - When you open an IOP and
                                                                                   close it without entering in data
                    399-QAR Data Entry Problem                      Open           This code will be updated in the
                                                                                   future, but for now please use
                                                                                   this when a QAR is Completed
                                                                                   but pending data entry

                    Status                                           Type of Code   How/When to Use
                    011-Cancelled Appointment(s)                    Soft Refusal   RP cancelled appointment, you
                                                                                   are actively trying to reschedule
                    016-Online or Excel QAR-did not complete        Soft Refusal   This code will be updated in the
                                                                                   future, but for now please use
                                                                                   this when you've sent
                                                                                   link/excel  and are waiting to
                                                                                   hear back

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