Page 12 - NAFIF-2019-Facility-Reference-Guide
P. 12

6.  Disclosure:  Disclosure continues to be critically important to the value we
                           deliver to our clients.  In an effort to reverse declining disclosure rates, we are
                           continuing the implied disclosure method employed last year, using an “opt out”
                           rather than an “opt in” construct.  There are few key points that you’ll need to
                           know for NAFIF fielding:
                               a.  The “default” option for disclosure is for the buy-side client to have fully
                                  disclosed his/her responses
                                      i.  For news and past disclosers, we think it will be safe to use the
                                         default full-disclosure option.  You will not need to ask for explicit
                                         disclosure in these cases, unless the Buy-Side Client brings up
                                         the issue in which case you should discuss it with them.
                                      ii.  For those who have not disclosed in the past, or who bring up
                                         the subject of confidentiality during the interview, we would like
                                         you to have a discussion about their objections to disclosing
                                     iii.  This discussion is noted in the Confirmit QAR, and begins with
                                         your asking the client what their concerns are
                                     iv.  Explain that most investors allow us to share their individual
                                         responses with senior management at fixed income dealers, so
                                         that they will know which improvements in sales, trading,
                                         research, or new issue allocations they should be making to
                                         deliver a better service proposition
                               b.  We have been working very closely with our sell-side clients to eliminate
                                  instances of disclosure breaches and have added extra explicit
                                  language in our contracts covering disclosure
                               c.  This should be a discussion, and we really need to have these recorded,
                                  so that we can analyze the response
                               d.  The word “disclosure” can be scary!  As we’ve discussed with many of
                                  you, the wording is critical, and can mean the difference between a
                                  rough and a smooth conversation.  While we call it disclosure, the buy
                                  side client need only think of it as “sharing their individual responses
                                  with senior management.”  Those EIs with the highest rates of
                                  disclosure under the current methodology do not bring up the word
                                  “disclosure” during the course of the interview.
                               e.  The key to this approach will lie in your ability to communicate the safety
                                  and value of shared responses, while at the same time understanding
                                  the individual buy-side client’s disposition.

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