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         Deliver EBA solutions which provide enterprise-wide visibility of business performance and actionable insights for Business Analytics projects covering Business
         Intelligence, Data Warehousing and Big Data platform.

            Solutions / Services  Benefits for Customers     Top Strikes       Hunting / Farming Terrain  NCS Contact Person
                                                        (Prospecting Questions)  (Customer Profile)

         Business Intelligence (BI)  •  Greater speed to access   •  Do you have any interactive   •  Applicable for all industries   Kelvin Aw
         makes sense of collected   data, analyze findings,   tools or means to check if   and any organization who   Project Director
         data and present it in an easy   ask questions of the data,   your business is meeting key   wants to leverage on their   +65 9853 4823
         and intuitive way through   understand the data, and   performance targets using   past and current data to gain
         dashboards, reports, and self-   get results needed to   data? Is your data current?  insights for transformational
         service visualization.  make important decisions   •  Are you able to effectively   benefits  Jerico Layugan
                                 for businesses and     report at an enterprise level?  •  Organizations who want to   Pre-Sales Lead
         Extract, Transform, and Load   organizations  •  What are the organisation’s   transform from enterprise   +65 9231 9895
         (ETL)                  •  Liberty to analyze the data   key business objectives or   Business Intelligence to
         Facilitate 3 distinct functions of   that users have access   pain points in terms of data   Visual Analytics
         data preparation and movement   to, to get fast answers to   analytics?                    Senthil Kumar
         to consolidate, transform, and   their biggest problems and   •  How are these analytics   •  Large enterprise customers   Practice Lead – BI
         improve data quality.   toughest challenges    objectives and goals ranked   producing big amount of   +65 9019 0219
                                                        in order of importance and   data, e.g. Bank, Insurance,
         Data Warehouse         •  Powerful reporting and   priority? What is the potential   and the like, that are keen
         Provide a central repository   analytical tools in the hands   value of achieving these   of scaling up on innovation,   Luo Dong Hua
         of data collected from a wide   of users – who understand   objectives?  competition, and productivity   Practice Lead – Big Data
         range of sources, used for   their business and who   •  What percentage of                +65 9822 7206
         query and analysis.     can, when given insightful   employees are actively      
                                 information, make better
         OLAP (On-Line Analytical   decisions           using data to support                       Lee Kim Siah
                                                        their business line? What
         Processing)            •  Work as a team using BI   needs are not met due                  Practice Lead - Architecture
         Explore and analyze data in a   Server and Online portal in a   to incomplete or delayed   +65 9753 0200
         multidimensional set for insights   web browser or on a tablet.   information?   
         and reporting.          Users can ask questions,   •  What is the organization’s
                                 make inquiries, and share   average latency period, or
         Data Discovery Platform  their findings with colleagues  cycle time, from question
         Explore data, both structured
         and unstructured, that comes   •  Pixel perfect visuals allow   to delivery? What is the IT /
                                                        reporting backlog?
         from a wide variety of disparate   users to see and understand
         sources.                their data better – which   •  For your internal data
                                 supports important business   sources, if the analysis
         BI Reporting            decisions              requires data from multiple
         Automate process to capture   •  Use more data to answer   source systems, is there a
         and report analyzed data.  more impactful business   central data repository where
                                                        data consumers can perform
                                 questions              BI and AA?
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