Page 22 - NCS Sales Manual 2018.pdf
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       MICROSOFT 365

            Solutions / Services  Benefits for Customers     Top Strikes       Hunting / Farming Terrain  NCS Contact Person
                                                        (Prospecting Questions)  (Customer Profile)

         Microsoft 365          •  Unlocks creativity by   •  Are you looking for   Target Industries  Tan Teck Sun
                                 enabling people to work   collaboration solution to                Senior Manager
         Today’s decision makers are   naturally with ink, voice and   improve the organization   All industries, that requires   Business Development
         choosing Microsoft 365, a   touch, all backed by tools   communication and   conferencing facilities for their   +65 6556 5949
         solution with all the tools people   that uses AI and machine   teamwork capabilities?  collaboration work between   +65 9069 8480
         need for secure collaboration.   learning    •  Would you like to have   multiple locations.
         Combining Windows 10, Office   •  Provides the broadest and   a holistic planning to
         365 and Enterprise Mobility   deepest set of apps and   implement and managed   Customers who have not   John Foo
         + Security, Microsoft 365 has   services with a universal   your organization digital   moved to the cloud or are   Senior Manger
         everything you need for a   toolkit for teamwork, giving   transformation journey?  looking at O365.  Business Development
         modern workplace.       people flexibility and choice                                      +65 6556 5949
                                 in how they connect, share   •  Are you looking at cloud   Already deploy and using MS   +65 9630 7512
         Microsoft 365 is designed   and communicate    collaboration solution?  Skype for Business.
         for large organisations                      •  Are you looking to modernize
         and designed to empower   •  Simplifies IT by unifying   your workplace?
         employees to be creative and   management across users,
         work together securely.  devices, apps and services
                                •  Helps safeguard customer
                                 data, company data and
                                 intellectual property with
                                 built-in intelligent security

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