Page 53 - NCS Sales Manual 2018.pdf
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            Solutions / Services  Benefits for Customers     Top Strikes       Hunting / Farming Terrain  NCS Contact Person
                                                        (Prospecting Questions)  (Customer Profile)
         Visioning              Access in-depth insights to   •  Are you aware of digital   Target Industries:  Contact the respective persons
                                the ever-changing digital   transformation? Would you               for industry domain matters
         NCS Digital provides services   technology and business   like to find out more on how   Prioritised industries.  Public Safety
         to help clients understand   landscape, and a team of   you can benefit from it?           Celina Lua
         the rapidly evolving digital   domain experts and consultants   •  Are you facing challenges   Target Audience:  Associate Director
         landscape and emerging   to collaborate, co-create   in managing rapidly                   +65 98271390
         trends in their industries, and   and identify new business   growing volume of data and   CEO, CIO, CTO, CMO, IT Dir
         facilitates consensus on the   opportunities.  extracting value from it?  / Mgr.
         enterprise’s vision and priorities                                                         Aviation
         for their digital transformation   Assurance of a trusted   •  Are you facing challenges   Lee Siew Kit
         programme.             partnership with NCS’ proven   in providing a high                  Director
                                methodologies and frameworks   performance, agile yet cost          +65 9821 3103
         •  Provide insights on industry   for one’s end-to-end digital   effective IT infrastructure to
           landscape, trends and NCS’                   support the business needs?                 Smart Urban Infra
           Point of Views (POVs)  transformation journey, from                                      Chris Tng
                                planning to designing. Strategic
         •  Provide Thought Leadership   domains include Transportation,   •  Are you considering using   Director
                                                        mobile technologies to
           to help define Future Mode   Education, Healthcare, Public   empower your workforce      +65 9128 0999
           of Operation (FMO) for   Safety, Financial Services, and   or to improve customer
           client’s domain      Smart Urban Infra.      engagement?                                 Physical Security &
         •  Digital Leadership Discovery:             •  Have you considered using                  Correctional Services
           2-day Digital Immersion   Be ahead in today’s high   social technologies to foster       Kuai Ser Leng
           Programme for business   velocity, disruptive digital   collaboration, communication     Associate Director
           leaders to understand what   world with our robust ongoing   and sharing among your      +65 9827 9119
           digital technologies are   client engagement programme   employees?            
           and explore how they could   of service improvement                                      Cyber Security &
           potentially be leveraged to   and optimisation, emerging   •  Have you face any          Command and Control
           transform their workforce,   technology immersion and   challenges in reinventing        Raja Sekaran
           work and workplace into a   innovation workshops.  your business and customer            Associate Director
           digital enterprise                           experience with digital                     +65 9677 2437
         •  Provide the global and                      technologies and data?            
           local mobility landscape,                  •  Do you lack a coherent                     Healthcare
           trends, competitors and ROI                  IT strategy within the                      Daniel Ng
           analysis                                     organisation or across the                  Senior Manager
         •  Conduct user needs                          whole organisation (with                    +65 8182 3932
                                                        geographically dispersed
           mapping, market research,                    subsidiaries) that support the              Financial Services &
           and internal focus groups                    business objectives?                        Insurance
           for executive staff to achieve                                                           Kenneth Wong
           internal alignment
                                                                                                    Associate Director
                                                                                                    +65 9099 9368
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