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Lead Vitality Champ Oralia Rodriguez-Valle Donates Bucks for Good Causes
Oralia Rodriguez-Valle, Administrative Assistant III at HCP Los Angeles and a lead Vitality
champ for two years now, has certainly enjoyed reaping some of the benefits of Vitality. With
her Vitality Bucks, she has purchased a panini maker and when she visited New York City this
summer, she enjoyed a much discounted rate at the Ritz-Carlton in Central Park.
She recently felt it was time to give back. In August, she donated 1,200 Vitality Bucks to Protect
an Acre – Conservation International. And she just donated the same amount to Vitality’s other
charity, Help Feed the Children.
“I’ve enjoyed some of the perks of Vitality,” Rodriguez-Valle said. “Why not share the love by
donating to help others who need it?”
Another source of her inspiration for donating comes close to home. Her own son Wesley turns
three this month. The thought of any child going hungry truly disturbs her. “If I can give a little
of my Vitality money to help feed a child somewhere, it’s a good way to use some of my Vitality
Bucks,” she said. “It’s good karma to do something positive for someone else.”
Rodriguez-Valle, currently a Vitality platinum member, does all kinds of activities to rack up
points – everything from walks to questionnaires. She even wears her FitBug while dancing.
She truly enjoys walking for causes, and recently participated in the Revlon 5K for breast
Not surprisingly, Rodriguez-Valle is someone who thinks beyond herself. “We need to realize
that the world is bigger than us,” she said. “Doing something good for someone else makes you
a better person.”
Oralia and her son Wesley
at Halloween.