Page 13 - Policies Procedures Final with cover page
P. 13
"Company property" is defined as all company-owned or leased buildings. This policy applies to all
company-owned or leased vehicles.
"Dangerous weapons" include, but are not limited to, firearms, explosives, knives and other weapons
that might be considered dangerous or that could cause harm. Employees are responsible for making
sure that any item possessed by the employee is not prohibited by this policy.
MTR reserves the right at any time and at its discretion to search all company-owned or leased vehicles
and all vehicles, packages, containers, briefcases, purses, lockers, desks, enclosures and persons
entering its building for the purpose of determining whether any weapon has been brought onto its
property or premises in violation of this policy. Employees who fail or refuse to promptly permit a search
under this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including a termination.
Anyone with questions or concerns specific to this policy should contact the Human Resources
Drugs & Alcohol Use
MTR wants to provide a drug-free, healthful, and safe workplace. To meet this goal, we expect you
to report to work in a mental and physical condition that enables you to perform your job in a
satisfactory manner.
While on Company premises and while conducting business-related activities off MTR premises, no
employee may use, possess, distribute, sell, or be under the influence of illegal drugs. The use of
alcohol is discouraged while conducting business-related activities on or off Company premises.
There are some exceptions for certain company sponsored or sales activities. Professional judgment
is expected and intoxication is unacceptable in all circumstances.
The legal use of prescribed drugs is permitted on the job only if it does not impair an employee's ability
to perform the essential functions of the job effectively and in a safe manner that does not endanger
other individuals in the workplace. You must report to your supervisor or manager if you are taking
medication, prescription or non-prescription that could adversely affect your ability to perform your
job duties. The failure to report the use of such medication is a violation of this policy.
Violations of this policy may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of
employment, and/or required participation in a substance abuse rehabilitation or treatment program.
Such violations may also have legal consequences.
If you have questions about substance dependency or abuse, we strongly encourage you to discuss
these matters with your supervisor to receive assistance or referrals to appropriate community
An employee with a drug or alcohol problem may request approval to take unpaid time off to
participate in a rehabilitation or treatment program through our health insurance benefit coverage.
The time off may be granted if the employee is actively involved in a treatment program; abides by all
Company policies, rules, and prohibitions relating to conduct in the workplace; and if granting the time
off will not cause MTR any undue hardship. Additional benefits will not be earned during the leave of