Page 18 - Policies Procedures Final with cover page
P. 18
Internet Usage
Because of the nature of MTR’s business, you may be provided with access to the internet. Use of the
internet, social networking sites, and instant messaging applications must be tempered with common
sense, good judgment, and professionalism.
MTR has the right to monitor any and all of the aspects of its computer systems, including, but not
limited to: Skype, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter as well as any messaging boards, news groups,
chat groups, blogs, monitoring sites, social networking sites, reviewing material downloaded or
uploaded by users on the internet, and reviewing e-mail sent and received by users.
Guidelines for use of social networking sites:
• Company can be found on multiple external social networking sites including, but not limited
to: Facebook, YouTube, MTR’s websites, LinkedIn and Twitter.
• Employees are encouraged to become “fans” of MTR’s media pages and contribute when
appropriate using common sense, good judgment, and professionalism.
• Employees are personally responsible for the content they publish on social networking sites, and
should be mindful that what is published on these sites will remain public for a long time.
• Employees should identify themselves when they discuss Company-related matters by providing
their name, and when relevant, their role.
• Employees must respect copyright, fair use, and financial disclosure laws – do not cite or reference
clients, partners or suppliers.
Prohibited Use
Users shall not use the organization’s Internet access or services to view, download, save, receive or
send material related to or including any of the following:
• Illegal activities
• Offensive content of any kind, including pornographic material
• Content that promotes discrimination on the basis of race, gender, national origin, age, marital
status, sexual orientation, religion or disability
• Threatening or violent behavior
• Gambling or wagering
• Commercial messages
• Religious, political or racial messages
• Messages that misrepresent yourself or the organization
When using organization-provided Internet access and services, employees, contractors, temporary
workers, volunteers and other users are required to:
• Abide by existing federal, state and local laws and regulations
• Honor copyright laws
• Honor Web sites’ acceptable use policies