Page 19 - Osprey Rescue Team SOPs
P. 19


        Currently organised by Team Doctor – annual training at AGM weekend – one long afternoon.
        Comprises -Annual Basic Life support training/refresher - Advanced first responder airway skills –
        Use of oxygen – paramedical skills e.g. control of haemorrhage, C-spine control, helmet removal,
        Safe patient movement and use of long board.  Trainers are fully certified professionals in their
        Field – resuscitation officer, consultant anaesthetist, consultant A&E doctor and NHS paramedics.
        Current policy is that all team members should pass BLS skills refresher every year; it is proposed
        that No bounty is paid for F1 events if no current certificate; Individual is not selectable if not
        achieved pass at medical training at all in past the 24months

        MICRODIVE/PADI/BSAC/or any other equivalent qualification.
        Competence shown at events.
        Attend at least 1 immersion test per year.
        Swimming pool practice.

        Minimum requirements are as follows:

        RYA Level Two.

        This is a two-day entry level course it provides the skills and background knowledge needed to drive
        a powerboat and is the basis of the International Certificate of Competence.

        It focuses on low speed close quarters handling, man overboard recovery, an introduction to driving
        at planing speed, and collision regulations. The course can be taken inland or on the coast and your
        certificate will be endorsed accordingly.

        Collect and return radios to organisers daily
        Radio check to organisers before start of the event
        Clear and concise communications are critical, use standard radio protocol.
        Press transmit button for 1 second then announce who you want to communicate to and who you
        are i.e.
        Osprey 1 this is Osprey 2 over.

        Wait for Osprey 1 to reply i.e. Osprey 2 this is Osprey 1 over
        Communicate your message i.e. Osprey 1 this is Osprey 2 do you require assistance Over

        Wait for a reply i.e. Osprey 2 this is Osprey 1 Negative out.
        However, it is current practise  that both Osprey boats (F1) should simultaneously proceed to an
        incident under yellow flag conditions as a default action rather than wait to be summoned by the
        Nearest boat.
        Observe radio silence during a race unless there is an incident, no small talk.
        Wait for the boat attending an incident to initiate radio communication.  However, it is current
        practise  that both Osprey boats (F1) should simultaneously proceed to an incident under yellow
        Flag conditions as a default action rather than wait to be summoned by the nearest boat.
        No foul language to be used over the radio.
        Check frequently for open channel.

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