Page 14 - Osprey Rescue Team SOPs
P. 14


        Currently daily overseas allowance is distributed annually and is based on day’s attendance at F1
        events.  Daily overseas allowance is not a right and is subject to being withheld as a sanction for
        misdemeanours as a disciplinary incentive or at the discretion of the management team.

        Keep detailed accounts along with completed Expenses claim forms and receipts for at least the
        last 2 financial years

        The treasurer will produce and present the Management Accounts to the AGM.

        They will liaise with the appointed Accountants and provide information needed for Companies
        House and HMRC.

        The treasurer will ensure team is getting best value from any expense incurred.

        Other duties of the treasurer are:

        Arrange insurances, travel, Directors and officer’s liability and any other insurance deemed

        The team secretary is a senior position in the Osprey Powerboat Rescue Team and is a managerial
        position usually held by a Director or a Senior Member of the company.

        The team Secretary is responsible for the efficient administration of the team, particularly with
        regard to ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and for ensuring that
        decisions of the Directors and Team managers are implemented.

        Despite the name, the role is not a clerical or secretarial one in the usual sense.

        The team secretary ensures that the organisation complies with relevant legislation and regulation,
        and keeps Directors and Team managers informed of their legal responsibilities.

        The team secretary is the Osprey’s named representative on legal documents, and it is their
        responsibility to ensure that the team and its Directors and Team managers operate within the law.
        It is also their responsibility to register and communicate with Directors, shareholders, and to
        maintain company records, such as lists of Directors and Team managers, shareholders, and
        members.  Annual accounts are the responsibility of the treasurer.
        The team secretary is responsible for collating the team to attend events outside the UK with due
        regard to qualifications and experience. The Secretary arranges travel with the organizers and
        relays all relevant information to the team.

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