Page 15 - Osprey Rescue Team SOPs
P. 15


        Compressor maintenance/gas checks/running log
        Method for filling large bottles, decanting, filling drivers’ bottles
        Inventory bottles regs backpacks
        Care/storage bottles & regs

        UK NATIONAL TEAM MANAGER……….Andy Collinson

        It is the responsibility of the UK Manager to liaise with the UK clubs and co-ordinate the teams for all
        UK requirements. The UK Manager co-ordinates the transportation of the boats to UK meeting
        along with the transport of personnel.


        From January 2013, prior to immersion testing, restrained drivers will need to complete a Microdive
        Basic Diver Course.

        Stage 1- Academic and in water skills sections (Mandatory for participation in immersion testing)
        Here you will learn basic scuba diving theory and master a selection of surface and underwater.
        Skills in the confines of an enclosed training environment. The in water portion of the course should
        take approximately 60 minutes to complete.

        Stage 2- Qualification dives (For those wishing to scuba dive independently as a fully qualified
        diver) this portion of the course can be facilitated at any open water location by a qualified and
        insured Microdive open water scuba instructor. Here you will be required to demonstrate your ability
        to assemble and check your equipment and participate in two thirty-minute dives to a maximum of 3
        metres/10 feet under the watchful eye of a certified scuba instructor. Completion of this portion of
        the course will gain you an official Microdive basic diver qualification, allowing you to participate in
        underwater activities anywhere around the world to a maximum depth of 3 metres/10 feet.
        Microdive is a Health and Safety Executive approved Qualification.


        An immersion test is required to be completed by all drivers racing boats that have an integral safety
        cell and seat belt restraints.

        This is a requirement for both National and International drivers in a cell boat.
        The test equipment consists of a boat safety cell fully fitted with a seat, belts, removable steering
        wheel, air supply & canopy.
        The cell is suspended between two flotation units on a shaft and is capable of being secured in the
        upright position and, once released, capable of rotating through 180 degrees. The driver enters the
        cell, sits down, fits seat belts, steering wheel, helmet and canopy cover.
        The use of air is a requirement for all drivers racing in a cell boat both National and International.

        A full explanation of the procedure is given to the driver and only when they and the test team are
        satisfied with the operational procedures does the test proceed.

        For the test the driver must wear race suit, shoes, helmet+ FHR and flotation jacket or a cell suit.

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