Page 16 - Osprey Rescue Team SOPs
P. 16


        When seated the seat belts are fitted followed by the steering wheel, if required the driver is given
        the air supply, then the canopy (if required) is fitted.

        The safety divers enter the water and signal when ready.
        The team on the surface confirm that the driver is ready to proceed and when that confirmation is
        received the test commences

        The cell locking gear is released and the cell is rotated through 180 degrees.
        When completely immersed and when the cell is stationary the diver notifies the driver that he may
        commence his escape drill.
        When they have exited the cell the divers guide them to the surface and notify the surface crew as
        to whether all aspects of the test were completed satisfactorily.

        Co-ordinated by Immersion Test Manager.
        Be mindful these are effectively potential training sessions for divers.
        NB De-selection of a crew man for any event can be seen as a sanction for misdemeanour, (as
        Loss of Bounty may also be).

        Confirm the drivers name and the level of test in the register.
        Inform the RYA as soon as convenient giving name, Microdive / Immersion test level completed,
        location & date.
        The Immersion test is also used as an element in the training of divers in the extraction of Pilots
        from upturned cockpits, all team members are expected to attend at least 1 immersion test event
        per year organised by the immersion test officer to maintain full member status.

        Check all equipment as soon as possible when you arrive at a race site, also check the condition of
        the hulls on all boats to see if there has been any contact from any object and if so report
        immediately to the team manager at the event.

        UK   Andy Collinson.
        F1.  Team Manager for the weekend.

        All F1 boats are now fitted with solar battery chargers on the right rear of the lighting frames, check
        the green light is illuminated this means batteries are charging.

        check all warning lights on the light frames work if not make sure they work before the boats go on
        the water these are a very important part of our Rescue Boat so we can be seen in case of any

        When using tools or equipment out of the large boxes please put them back when you have finished
        with them preferably in the same place you picked it up from as these take quite a lot of time to sort
        out if just thrown back in and close the lid, do the same with any spanners, sockets, pliers etc from
        the tool kit.
        Before using the Generator or Air compressor check the oil level and check there is fuel in the tank.
        If you are unsure how to check this ask another team member.

        If any of these run low of oil it will cause considerable damage to the engines of the Compressor
        and Generator this would be very costly to repair.

        Any problems tell the Team manager at the event who will let me know
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