Page 12 - Osprey Rescue Team SOPs
P. 12

Fridge emptied, cleaned’ when loaded ensure door is ajar to avoid mould.

        Lighting frame unbolted at back (first boat to go into container (to allow tipping to get past dunk test
        frame on ceiling). Boat strapped to dolly sides and stern; carpet protection between strap and hull
        where needed.  Boat keys hang inside container door,

        Agree items to be loaded onto first boat; - use mats on floor of boat, to protect surfaces; eg fridge,
        compressor, rope, hose reel etc.
        Load first boat into container; stern first, carefully position centrally, lighting frame re-bolted upright;
        battery isolated; chains & bottle screws adjusted. Engine clearance established/cushioning material
        as needed.
        Other items to go into hull of first boats now loaded –eg small buoys, buckets etc

        Door first boat pumped up and clipped.
        Large storage boxes then loaded and strapped.
        Second boat then loaded – front first.  Door up, clipped shut; battery isolated. Chains & bottle
        screws adjusted; engine clearance checked;
        Any remaining items stowed in/on boats.
        Poles, table.
        Toolbox ramp finally stowed and secured.
        Doors shut
        Key to Peter.
        Site checked for personal items, general clearing of litter,
        Weights, buoys, ropes for these are the responsibility of Idea – we usually help stowage into their
        own boxes.


        Recovered onto trailer; winched tight; washed whenever possible; all kit stowed into boxes; lighting
        frame and most kit into back of lorry; stabilising frame utilising a winch head into boat box, poles tied
        together and placed into boat; boat`s strapped to dolly / trailer; frames and cover on; wire to lighting
        board; lighting board secured.


        Vaccinations and Immunisations advice.
        Maintain Medical kits – orange and yellow boxes (National, Dunk and F1 boats).
        Maintains Pharmacy Box.
        Organises medical training.
        Submits annual report to AGM

        Source / Embroidered / Printed / Distribute Team Clothing.
        Team clothing is to be worn whenever representing the team.
        Only team members are allowed to wear team gear or persons who have been asked to represent
        the team at an event.

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