Page 12 - e-book GUERRERO_KAREN
P. 12

By the end of 1st year Bachillerato, students will be able to:

                  Communicate competence

                  Linguistic Components: Have a repertoire of basic language which enables them to deal

                  with everyday situations with predictable content in the public and vocational domain.

                  Sociolinguistic Components: Socialize in basic yet effective terms by expressing opinions

                  and attitudes in a simple way.

                  Pragmatic Components: Expand learned and built phrases through simple recombinations

                  of their elements.

                  Language Skills

                  Listening: Make use of clues such as structurally relevant pauses, tone of voice, stress, and

                  intonation to identify and understand relevant information in orally produced texts within the
                  public and vocational domains.

                  Reading:  Understand  and  identify  longer,  more  complex  transactional,  expository  and

                  informational texts than those presented in 9th year EGB texts as well as simple procedural
                  and narrative texts. For example: traveling forms, recipes, short personal stories.

                  Speaking: Handle very short social exchanges within the public and vocational domains
                  even though they can usually understand enough to keep the conversation going themselves.

                  Writing:  Produce  longer,  more  detailed,  complex  transactional,  expository  and
                  informational texts with more variety in sentence structure and lexical range.

                                             Student’s Exit Profile Level B1

                         By the end of the 3rd year Bachillerato, students will have reached the communicative
                  competence for B1proficiency level (Independent User), and they will be able to understand

                  the main points of clear, standard matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.

                  Furthermore, deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the
                  language is spoken. Moreover, to produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar
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