Page 14 - e-book GUERRERO_KAREN
P. 14
In addition to what was learned in 2nd year Bachillerato, by the end of the 3rd year
Bachillerato, students will be able to:
Communicate competence
Linguistic Components: Have a sufficient range of language to describe unpredictable
situations and express thoughts on abstract or cultural topics such as films, books, and music.
Use a repertoire of frequently used routines and patterns associated with more predictable
situations and some unpredictable situations quite accurately.
Sociolinguistic Components: Perform and respond to a wide range of language functions,
using their most common exponents in a neutral register.
Pragmatic Components: Adapt their expression to deal with less routine, even difficult
Language Skills
Listening: Identify both general messages and specific details within the public and
vocational domains, provided speech is clearly articulated.
Reading: Understand and identify longer, more complex transactional texts, such as: job
application letters and forms than those in previous years as well as simple persuasive texts.
For example, persuasive essays, movie review, etc, with a satisfactory level of
Speaking: Exchange, check, and confirm information to deal with less routine situations and
explain why a problem has occurred and give possible solutions.
Writing: Produce longer, more detailed and complex transactional texts such as: speeches,
curriculum vitae, etc.. Moreover, write short simple persuasive texts. For example: essays,
advertisements, cartoons by linking a series of shorter discrete elements into a linear