Page 9 - e-book GUERRERO_KAREN
P. 9
familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrase. Ask and answer questions about
personal details. Finally, understand, identify, and produce very simple informational,
transactional, and expository texts.
Specific objectives per school year (8th & 9th EGB)
To show articulation and progression, the specific objectives for listening and
speaking have been formulated by taking into consideration the three main domains of
interest for the target group. For pedagogical purposes, the first two are addressed in level
A1.1 because they constitute the learners’ immediate surroundings. On the other hand, the
third one (public) is addressed in level A1.2 as it constitutes the learners’ extended
surrounding which come afterwards.
At the end of 8 year students will be able to:
Communicate competence
Linguistic Components: Have limited control over a few simple grammatical structures and
have a limited ability to report about personal life.
Sociolinguistic Components: Use basic expression such as, addressing forms, introducing
oneself and others.
Pragmatic Components: Link words or groups of words with very basic linear connectors
like and or or.
Language Skills
Listening: In simple spoken texts, understand expressions, words, and sentences related to
the learner’s personal and educational background
Reading: Understand and identify very simple informational texts. For example: single
phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words, and basic phrases
Speaking: Produce slow, hesitant, planned monologues and interact in a simple way by
asking and answering simple questions