Page 35 - College Primer AY 2021-2022
P. 35
Safe Campus Primer
SGEN believes that a student is in need of protection if the act/s that was/were committed
against him / her falls under the list and description contained in
Republic Act No. 10627 or The Anti-Bullying Act of 2013.
The SGEN Safe Campus Policy / Primer shall not tolerate the following acts in all its
forms to be done to any of the students:
1. Psychological, physical, sexual, emotional, verbal abuse, maltreatment, neglect, or cruelty
2. Discrimination, exclusion, disti nction, restriction, or preference which is based on any
ground such as age, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, language,
religion, political, national or social origin, property or social and financial status, birth,
health and physical status or condition
3. Sexual or economic exploitation, manipulation, misuse, abuse, victimi zation, oppression, or
4. Physical or sexual violence, threats of such acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment,
unreasonable confinement, or arbitrary deprivation of liberty
5. Bullying or Peer Abuse, intimidation, threats, stalking or unwanted and obsessive attention,
public humiliation, taking of property, deliberate destruction, defacement, or damage to
property, physical violence resulting to harm or injury, extortion, unnecessary confi nement,
and cyber-bullying
6. Corporal or physical punishment to instill discipline
7. Other analogous acts such as but not limited to drug use, peddling, or pushing; organizing,
formation, membership, support, and participation in a fraternity, sorority, or any
organization not authorized by the school; direct or indirect participation in and/or physical
presence in a hazing activity or any form of acti vity where physical injury is unnecessarily
inflicted on innocent individuals.