Page 5 - 2022 OCFJSD Benefits Guide
P. 5

Health Insurance Benefit Summary

                                          United Healthcare
                                                                                 DIRECT CONTRACTING
                Plan Provision        In-Network    Out-of-Network
                                                                         If employees seek care at MDI Imaging, ATI
          Annual Deductible
                                      $1,000/$2,000   $2,000/$4,000     Physical Therapy or Orthopaedic Hospital of
                                                                        Wisconsin, services will be paid at 100%.  The
          Out-of-Pocket Maximum       $2,000/$4,000   $4,000/$8,000   District has a direct contract agreement with these
          (Includes Deductible)                                       providers.  Employees have the freedom to choose
          Lifetime Maximum            Unlimited                        their own provider but utilizing these providers
                                                                        may assist you with any further out of pocket
          Preventive Care             100%*         60%*
                                                                         costs.  Please refer to Page 8 for additional
          Primary Physician Office Visit   80%*     60%*                               information.

          Specialist Office Visit     80%*          60%*
          X-Ray and Lab               80%*          60%*
          Inpatient Hospital Services   80%*        60%*
                                                                             Pharmacy coverage is through Navitus.
          Outpatient Hospital Services   80%*       60%*                       Member Portal:
                                                                             Navitus Customer Care:  866-333-2757
          Urgent Care                            $50*
                                                                             Navitus Mobile App:  available on App
          Emergency Room Care                    $250*                               Store or Google Play
          Retail Prescription Drugs
          (30-day supply)
          Tier 1                      80%, min $8*
          Tier 2                      80%, max $100*
          Tier 3                      60%, max $150*
          Tier 4 (Specialty)          80%, max $150*

                            EMPLOYEE COST

            Coverage     Health Risk Assessment    Non-Health Risk Assessment
              Type          Participant Rate            Participant Rate
          Single Rate           $108.30          $188.30/Month
          Family Rate        $242.60/Month       $322.60 (employee only)
                                                 $402.60 (employee & spouse)

      Note: This is a summary of your coverage only. Please refer to your summary plan description for the full scope of coverage. In-network
      services are based on negotiated charges; out-of-network services are based on reasonable and customary (R&C) charges.
      *After deductible is satisfied.

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