Page 18 - Benefit Guide 2022
P. 18

401(k) Retirement Savings Plan

         Whether retirement is way down the road or just around the corner, it’s important to have savings goals.
         To help you meet your goals and objectives, we offer a 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan, administered  by
         Fidelity Investments, with multiple investment options and a company match.

         Key details and features of our plan are listed below.

           Employee contributions                                            Employer contributions

           •   All employees over age 18 are eligible for the 401(k). Benefits   •   The  company  will  match  100%
               start  on  the  first  of  the  month  following  30  days    of  employ-  on your first 3% and 50% on the
               ment.                                                             next  2%.  If  you  are  contributing
           •   You can contribute up to $20,500 for 2022, and if you are age     at  least  5%  of  your  money  into
               50 or older, you may contribute up to an additional $6,500 as a   your 401(k) account, Hillyard will
               “catch-up” contribution.                                          match  and  put  in  an  additional
                                                                                 4%.  That’s  9%  going  into  your
           •   Contributions may be made on a pretax or Roth after-tax basis.    retirement  savings  plan  every
               To make it easier for you to save, the plan automatically enrolls   pay check.
               new  employees  in  the  401(k)  at  5%  and  auto-increases  your
               contribution by 1% every year, up to 10%.

          Discretionary Profit Sharing Contribution

          Hillyard may make an additional contribution        More Information
          to your 401(k) account each year as Profit          •  You can stop, start or change your contribu-
          Sharing. Non-sales employees are eligible for           tions or funds at any time.
          the Discretionary Contribution after 6 months       •  You are always 100% vested in your contri-
          of service and enter the pool on 1/1 or 7/1.            butions  to  the  plan  and  the  Hillyard  match
          You are 100% vesting in the Discretionary               money.
          Profit Sharing Contribution after 6 years of        •  Fidelity  Investments  has  many  different  in-
          employment with Hillyard.                               vestment  options  for  you  to  choose  from,
                                                                  along with tools and resources you can use
                                                                  to  determine  which  options  best  meet  your
                                                                  investment objectives.

                                                              For additional details about the 401(k) Plan or to
                                                              make  changes  to  your  account,  visit  NetBene-
                                                     or call 800-835-5097.

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