Page 8 - Benefit Guide 2022
P. 8

In-Network Pharmacy Coverage

                      PPO Plan                       30 Day Supply               90 Day Supply & Mail Order

                           Generic Copay                   $10                                $25
                         Formulary Copay       30% or $60, whichever is less      30% or $150, whichever is less
                    Non-Formulary Copay        40% or $80, whichever is less      40% or $200, whichever is less

                          Specialty Copay          30% of the cost up to $200, with a 30 day supply maximum

            Annual Rx/Medical Combined      $5,750 per Individual, $11,500 per Family beginning every January 1st. Once
                 Out-of-Pocket Maximum         you have met this amount, you will pay $0 copay until December 31st.

                   HDHP Low Plan                     30 Day Supply               90 Day Supply & Mail Order

                           Generic Copay               20% of cost                         20% of cost
                         Formulary Copay               30% of cost                         30% of cost
                    Non-Formulary Copay                50% of cost                         50% of cost

                          Specialty Copay               30% of the cost, with a 30 day supply maximum

                                            $2,800 per Individual, $5,600 per Family beginning every January 1st. Once
                         Annual Rx/Medical   you have met this amount, you will pay the above coinsurance until December
                    Combined Deductible         31st, or until you reach the out-of-pocket maximum as stated below.

            Annual Rx/Medical Combined      $6,550 per Individual, $10,800 per Family beginning every January 1st. Once
                 Out-of-Pocket Maximum         you have met this amount, you will pay $0 copay until December 31st.

                  HDHP High Plan                     30 Day Supply               90 Day Supply & Mail Order

                           Generic Copay               20% of cost                         20% of cost
                        Formulary Copay                30% of cost                         30% of cost
                    Non-Formulary Copay                50% of cost                         50% of cost

                          Specialty Copay               30% of the cost, with a 30 day supply maximum

                                            $3,500 per Individual, $7,000 per Family beginning every January 1st. Once
                         Annual Rx/Medical   you have met this amount, you will pay the above coinsurance until December
                    Combined Deductible        31st, or until you reach the out-of-pocket maximum as stated below.

            Annual Rx/Medical Combined      $6,900 per Individual, $13,800 per Family beginning every January 1st. Once
                 Out-of-Pocket Maximum         you have met this amount, you will pay $0 copay until December 31st.

           *HDHP Plans - ACA preventative drugs are paid at 100% - Deductible waived

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