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As we close out 2017-18 I reflect on how far Katalyst has come over the past 17 years since we started
the company. Today we have 1200+ talented associates supporting our customers in US, Europe and
Dear Team:
Asia. We have 6 different lines of business's and we continue to grow at a much faster rate than our
peers. Yet we have lot of accomplish - We Are Not Done Yet!!
In April 2017, we laid out a 5-year plan how we plan to scale our business in terms of revenue,
headcount and profitability. As we close out year 1 on your 5-year plan, I'm pleased to say we have
made significant progress in how we plan, manage, measure and execute our business. We achieved
2018-19 is Year 2 of our 5-year plan and we are focused on "Process, People and Systems" Our
our revenue targets that we had laid out.
leadership team spend 3 days in late March at the Evanston Home Office and presented how they plan
improve their Process, Aligning the right people and leverage the right systems to meet their BU's
2018-19 objectives and goals. I'm looking forward to an exciting 2018-19.
Finally, I want to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for your hard work, dedication and
continue to delight our customers every day and making Katalyst an exciting and great place to be
associated with. Best,
Rahul Shah