Page 2 - Concept Note
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EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

          SECTION 1 - Project overview

          1.1 General Information

          Fund                                     EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

          Fund support area                                Innovation and exploration
                                                           Transfer of know-how and good practice

          Project title                            Individual Placement and Support for NEETs through
                                                   Education Youth Technology Platform (EYTP)
          Project index number                     2017-1-152
          Name of the lead partner                 Public University of Ptuj
          organisation (in English)
          Estimated project duration (in           36

          Estimated total project budget (in       € 1.200.000,00

          1.2 Project summary

          Give a short overview of the project (please cover all the points below):

                  the main challenge of the support area you are jointly addressing in your project
                  the main objective and expected results of the project and the expected change your
                  project will make to the current situation
                  the outputs of the project and how these will lead to the desired outcomes
                  the direct target groups and the end beneficiaries of the project
                  the transnational added value of the project
                  how the ‘success’ of the project will be measured, e.g. via indicators, evaluation, or
                  other method
                  the expected sustainability of the project beyond the end of the funding period

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