Page 6 - Concept Note
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EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

          Transnational projects:
          ERASMUS+ BADA: Open badges in Adult education 2016 KA2-AE-9/16 LYCEE CHARLES ET
          ADRIEN DUPUY
          ERASMUS+ iYOT: In Your Own Time! 2015 KA2-AE-9/15 Public University of Ptuj
          ERASMUS+ UNIBILITY-University meets social responsibility 2015 2015-1-AT01
          K203-005033 University of Vienna
          ERASMUS+ XENO-TOLERANCE 2015 2015-1-FR01-KA202-015143 Greta Du Velay
          Europe for Citizens 2015 558581-CITIZ-1-2014-2-SI-CITIZ-TT Public University Ormož
          Grundtvig Learning Partnership KEY 2012 2012-8734-GRU-Par-35/12 Public University of Ptuj
          European Teritorial Cooperation SI-HU 2011 C1536-11G400139 Public University of Ptuj

          Regional programmes:
          Raising the level of literacy and project learning for young adults from 2010 to 2013
          Centers of lifelong learning
          The implementation of programs for general non-formal adult education
          Projects for the recognition of informally acquired knowledge

          PUP has great experience in the field of project management (10 years), guidance counseling
          (12 years) and adult education activities.
          Due to our diverse fields of activity and with experiences of being a lead partner in several
          projects we think that we can contribute and lead project we are applying for and make great
          results not just in Slovenia but because of good leading competences also in all other partner
          countries. We will put our efforts in motivating partner countries and support them to achieve
          good project results.

          2.2 Beneficiary partner

          Project partner number                   2
          Name of organisation in English          Asociatia EIVA
          Country                                  Romania

          Postal address                           Toamnei street, no 11, Arad, Romania, code 310346
                                                   Legal information

          Legal status                             NGO
          Type of identification number            CIF
          Identification number                    26256186
          Legal representative name(s)             Cristian Babutau

                                                  Contact information
          Contact person's name                    Cristian Babutau
          Contact person's e-mail address

          Contact person's telephone number        +40773891938
                                         Experience of beneficiary partner

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