Page 21 - Concept Note
P. 21

EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

          All organisations forming the partnership will use knowledge gained during the project and
          implement good practices at the countries they work and through their sub partnerships at other

          Since project aims at unemployed youth, offering faster method for social/work integration and
          because of the situation on the job market in most EU countries, we belive that project
          outcomes could be used in any country outside of the partnership.

          EYTP visibility willl be increased and maintained through integration with EPALE platform. This
          way the community of young adult counsellors and NEETs will have the access to the outputs
          of the project during and after the project. Main outcomes and tools produced will be available
          online including the mobile application that will be available through AppStore and Google Play
          for free. This means all the results are freely available online and accessable to all other
          interested stakeholders or future replicators.

          Partnership organisations will organize IPS methodology workshops in their countries and invite
          organisations outside of the current partnership. All involved partner have large internal
          partnership networks and are also well connected with local authorities which enables us to
          produce the highest possible exploitation effect. Partner are also members of national
          associations for adult education that will help us foster the impact of project results through
          umbrella organization, external partners and other interested stakeholders.

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