Page 19 - Concept Note
P. 19

EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

          In beneficiary countries the percentage of young unemployed (NEET) is high. The research
          shows that 35 per cent of NEET young people suffered from psychological problems compared
          with 14 per cent of non-NEETs, while 33 per cent of young people classed as socially isolated
          suffered psychological problems compared with 16 per cent of those who weren't. In general
          around one in four young people have some sort of psychological disorder or issue.

           Research about work and psychological state say:

                  70 % of those with psychological disorders wish to work.
                  Expectations for the NEETs ability to work are low among professional workers.
                  Becoming included in regular working life is an important factor in the change process
                  towards getting more self-esteem.
                  The correlation between unemployment and poor psychological condition among young
                  adults shows that work is an important factor in improving general health.

          One of the methods to help NEETs is individual job support focusing on helping people out in
          regular, paid work rather than longer clarification and qualification in, for example, sheltered
          measures, before entering the ordinary work life. The transferred IPS model proposes
          integrated interaction between the municipality, the professional services and the national work
          and welfare administration.

          Our research shows that IPS method is not well known nor implemented in beneficiary
          countries yet.

          Why is transnational cooperation needed to achieve the project’s objectives and results?

          Explain why the project goals cannot be efficiently reached acting only on a
          national/regional/local level and/or describe what benefits the project partners/target
          groups/project area will gain from taking a transnational approach.

          In 2011, the Norwegian Directorate of Health awarded financial funds to 17 IPS-inspired
          cooperation projects in different municipalities across the country.

          The Norwegian Directorate of Health and the Labor and Welfare Directorate in Norway have
          established six pilots in cooperation to test the method in Norway. FONIX was responsible for
          this project in region Vestfold in the southern part of Norway.

          IPS method is unknown in beneficiary counties yet.  With a help of FONIX, IPS method will be
          disseminated and conducted in beneficiary countries and also exploited in other, non-partner
          countries through methods of dissemination and sustainability.

          What are the actors (groups, institutions) the project will work directly with? Who will ultimately benefit
          from the new or improved practices?
          Describe the direct target groups and project's end beneficiaries.

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