Page 20 - Concept Note
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EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment
Actors are consulting, education, employment centers, lifelong learning organizations,
municipalities, specialist services, professional educators, counsellors, and the state work and
welfare administration addressing the needs of NEETs, especially young people with any
psychological disorders.
End beneficiaries are young unemployed adults with moderate psychological disorders that are
derived from lack of self-confidence, working inability and social isolation.
3.3 Sustainability and transferability of project outputs and outcomes
How will the project ensure that outputs and outcomes have a lasting effect beyond project duration?
Describe concrete measures (including institutional structures, financial resources, etc.) taken
during and after the project implementation to ensure and/or strengthen the sustainability of the
project’s outputs and outcomes.
Briefly explain how outputs will be further used once the project is finalised and, if relevant,
explain who will be responsible and/or who will be the owner of the outputs.
Once completed and published, EYTP application will be administered partially on-line through
an e-learning platform and partially through trained national counselors who will offer support
through confrontation sessions face-to-face. The outputs will be published under Creative
Commons License (CCL) thus available for future use and also upgrades.
IPS trainers in beneficiary countries will national disseminate knowledge to organisations
aiming to provide IPS services and internationally through internal networks using every
opportunity for presentation of project outcomes.
Successful pilots for IPS method implemented projects will assure new IPS trainers with
capability to train other trainers after our project is done. They will present best practice and
good example for next IPS implementation projects.
Know-how and best practices will be accessible through EYTP application and web platform.
The EYTP application together with all of the materials will be an open access resource for
anyone involved in or interested in the IPS method.
Responsible for implementation of the outputs after the project finishes will be Ljudska univerza
Ptuj, needed resources (IT technician, EYTP trained employee) will be allocated internally and
without extra costs, so the sustainability effect should be high. Project partners will also prepare
and sign the Post-Exploitation plan thus assuring allocation of resources needed for
How will the project ensure that project results are applicable and replicable by other
organisations/regions/countries outside of the current partnership?
Describe to what extent it will be possible to transfer the project results to other
organisations/regions/countries outside of the current partnership.
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