Page 14 - Concept Note
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EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment
On European level Skills Norway is the national coordinator of EPALE the European Platform
for Adult Learning in Europe - and FONIX cooperate tight with Skills Norway on reporting news
FONIX are also member of the European Basic Skills Network (EBSN). EBSN is a non-profit
association gathering policy makers and policy providers engaged in basic skills training for
adults in Europe.
Jan Evensen from FONIX is active as ambassador in EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult
Education in Europe) and an Executive Member of the board in EBSN (European Basic Skills
He has also been elected as Norwegian ambassador for Erasmus+ programs in 2017, by the
Norwegian Erasmus+ agency.
FONIX has been involved in Erasmus+ projects the last two years, and the key personnel has
prior experience with Leonardo and Erasmus+ projects.
FONIX has both previous and ongoing experience with participating in Erasmus+ projects (KA1
Mobility and KA2 Strategic partnership.):
Erasmus+ KA1 2017 2017-1-NO01-KA104-034042 FONIX
Erasmus+ KA1 2016 2016-1-NO01-KA104-021994 FONIX
Erasmus+ KA2 2016 2016-1-NO01-KA204-022071 FONIX
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