Page 12 - Concept Note
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EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

          Folkeuniversitetet will share their experience in working with young NEETs in cooperation with
          companies and government institutions from two IPS projects like:

          - Second Chance School “ The Norwegian approach. One will find a Second Chance
          School(SCS) in many European countries. Although they are named SCS, they have different
          programs, methods and framework.  FU will share how IPS works in this project, with focus on
          creating, implement and conduct individual training and tutoring at the workplace.

          - Cultural Patrol  An innovative method. Concept developed by FU for the past 4 years, now
          receiving both national and international attention because of used methods and the good
          results. The culture patrol consist of young adults who have been outside school and work life
          for a long time. Often these have lack of self-confident, bad self-esteem, bad habits (diet, sleep
          and physical activity) etc. This means they need more time than other NEETs to find and get a
          job. Key factors in the project is allowing the participants to train and work on issues that
          interest them, gives energy, ex. culture, music, ICT, etc. FU will share how IPS is conduct
          together with government institutions for young NEETs that are most far away from the labour
          b. Experience with transnational or regional programmes and/or EEA/Norway grants
          If applicable, list relevant transnational or regional programmes and/or EEA/Norway Grants
          programme(s)/ project(s) and years of implementation.
          Partner in:

          Erasmus+ project 2016-1-DE02-KA202-003404 : - Sharing, Learning And Developing
          European Neets Opportunities

          NordPlus project number NPAD-2016/10025 (2016-2018)

          NordPlus project  'Nordic Second Chance Schools' (2017-2019)

          FUMN is member of Nordic Network of Second Chance Schools in order to share good
          practices and information about the situation. The network also work together in a NordPlus

          2.5 Expertise partner
          Project partner number                   5
          Name of organisation in English          Fønix

          Country                                  Norway
          Postal address                           Nygårdsveien 82 , 3204 Sandefjord

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