Page 31 - From Lines to Online: Automating Quezon City’s Business Permitting Process
P. 31


                  In a business cycle, it is sometimes inevitable for a business to close shop. There are steps to follow so you
                  would not have any obligations to worry about just in case you plan to open your business again or engage
                  in other forms of business.

                  Retiring a business is accomplished through both the local and national government. The retiring of a
                  business at the BIR, SEC, and DTI levels must be done through the respective units. For the QC LGU,
                  the following need to be submitted:

                       Letter of intent to close business, addressed    Barangay Certificate with exact effectivity
                       to the City Treasurer with copy furnished to     date of closure
                       the BPLD
                                                                        BIR Certificate of Registration
                       Original copies of Tax Bill and Official
                       Receipts worth 3 years                           Certified Breakdown of Sales

                       Original copy of Latest Business Permit          Proof of business tax payment
                           If   Single  Proprietorship,   original
                           Affidavit of Closure with exact date of       Latest ITR  with AFS  on  or before  closure
                           closure                                      from the last payment of business opera-
                           If  Partnership, original partnership        tion
                           dissolution  with exact  effectivity date
                           of closure signed by all partners
                           If  Corporation, original Secretary’s        VAT Returns or Percentage Tax Returns
                           Certificate or Board Resolution on
                           closure or transfer of business  with        Book  of  Accounts  (to  be  presented
                           exact date of closure                        upon evaluation with actual inspection and
                       Valid ID                                         examination)
                           If Single Proprietorship, valid ID of the
                           If Partnership, valid IDs of all partners
                           If Corporation, valid ID of the President

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