Page 35 - From Lines to Online: Automating Quezon City’s Business Permitting Process
P. 35

The Department has a comprehensive process /
                                                                   system in addressing complaints as can be
                                                                   gleaned  in  its  “Complaints  Log  and  Status
                                                                   Tracker.” In particular, the tracker’s components
           You may also choose to go on site by visiting the Public
                                                                   are the following:
           Assistance  &  Complaints  Desk  where  you  will  be
           interviewed to provide information  about  the
                                                                   a) Date received
           complaint. The Complaints Desk then endorses all
                                                                   b) Source of complaint details
           complaints pertaining to the BPLD to the Department
                                                                   c) Complaint summary/description
           Head for appropriate action. The complaint is
                                                                   d) Medium used
           addressed and feedback is provided to the complainant
                                                                   e) Division/ Group with jurisdiction on
           on actions taken.
                                                                       the complaint
                                                                   f) Date corrective action started
                                                                   g) Findings – root causes
                                                                   h) Date complaint was resolved/closed
                                                                   i) Feedback to/from complainant after
                                                                      corrective action
                                                                   j) Corrective action plan
                                                                   k) Remarks

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