Page 40 - From Lines to Online: Automating Quezon City’s Business Permitting Process
P. 40

                                                 CITY GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT HEAD III

                                                                    The Department Head exercises overall
                                                                    authority in matters within the jurisdiction of
                                                                    the department, including those relating to
                                                                    its  operations,  and  enforces  all  laws  and
                                                                    regulations pertaining to it. The Department
                                                                    Head  has  the  authority  to  appoint  and
                                                                    discipline in accordance with the law.

                                                                     ASSISTANT DEPARTMENT HEAD
                                                                     (FOR ADMINISTRATION)

                                                                       Assists the Department Head on matters of
                                                                       administration. Supervises the Administrative
                                                                       Division and the Management Information
           BPLD - NOVALICHES DISTRICT CENTER                           System, Records, and Archiving Division.
           JOEY A. DELA CRUZ

                            The   satellite   office   of   the
                            BPLD which functions as a
                            mini-department fulfilling the
                            roles of accepting applications for
                            New,  Renewals,  Occupational
                            Permit, etc. It primarily serves the
                            businesses located in  Novaliches
                            and applicants living in the area.

           RECORDS ARCHIVING DIVISION                               RAMON K. AFRICA
           MA. LIZA H. AFRICA

                            Responsible as the custodian of                         Provides all the necessary support
                            all records of business permits in                      services, especially in terms of
                            Quezon City. It is also tasked with                     financial  resource  management,
                            implementing the digitization of                        assets  and   properties,  and
                            records and files. It is composed                        storage  and   supplies.  It  is
                            of two sections: Management                             composed    of  two   sections:
                            Information System Section and                          Personnel and General Services
                            Records and Archiving Section.                          Section and Fiscal Management
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