Page 34 - From Lines to Online: Automating Quezon City’s Business Permitting Process
P. 34


                FILE A COMPLAINT

                A strong and confident organization always strives to be better by soliciting feedback from clients. In any
                untoward incident, a complaint may also be filed by clients. Both feedback and complaints are looked into
                seriously by the BPLD as these are keys to become a more efficient and responsive service provider to
                business owners and workers of Quezon City.

                Clients may give their feedback in person or via email, telephone call, the BPLD feedback form, and on
                social media platforms such as Facebook and Viber.

                All feedback are documented. These are compiled in a database and periodically reviewed as a reference in
                the assessment/evaluation and improvement of services rendered.

                Feedback / complaints may be sent to the department via:
                Hotline 122 or email: or the
                BPLD’s official email

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