P. 33

Part 1- Administrative Manual

             3.2.2. The  University  President.  The  highest  individual  official  of  the  University  is  the  University

                    President. He acts as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) empowered by the IFSU charter to be the
                    implementing arm of the GB/BOR.

    Basic Function
                           The  University  President  performs  broad  leadership,  management  and  administrative
                    functions. He sets the direction of the university, manages the university resources (Man, Money,
                    and  Machine/Technology)  and  administers  laws,  rules,  policies  &  guidelines  promulgated  by  the

    Basic Qualifications
                           The  President  of  IFSU  must  possess  the  following  qualifications:  a).  35-60  years  old;  b).
                    Earned  doctoral  degree  in  acknowledged  academic  institution;  c).  Distinguished  himself  in  his
                    profession/  field  of  specialization;  d).  Has  not  been  convicted  of  any  administrative  or  criminal
                    charges; e). At least 2 years experience leading/administering/ managing an academic institution or
                    any unit thereof; and f) Physically and mentally sound.

    Selection, Appointment and Term of Office
                           The manner of selection, appointment and term of office of the University President is that
                    clearly stated in the IFSU Charter RA 9720 (page 9 of this code) and its IRR (section 15).

             3.2.3. Advisory Bodies to the University President

    Administrative  Council.  The  Administrative  Council  (ADCO)  of  the  University  is  composed  of  the
                    University President as Chairperson, with the Vice President for Administration and Finance as Vice
                    Chairman  and  the  other  Vice  Presidents  as  members  along  with  the  Campus  Directors,  the
                    Department Directors and College Deans, and other University officials of equal rank. The Board and
                    University Secretary shall be the Secretary of the Administrative Council. The ADCO is the policy-
                    proposing body for management and administrative matters.

    Academic  Council. The  Academic  Council  (AC)  is  composed  of  the  University  President  as

                    Chairperson and the Vice President for Academic Affairs as Vice Chairperson and all faculty members
                    with  the  ranks  not  lower  than  Assistant  Professor.  The  Council  is  empowered  to  review  and
                    recommend curricular offerings and rules of discipline of the university, fix the requirements for the
                    admission of students, their graduation and conferment of degrees.

    Research and Development Council.  The Research and Development Council (RDC) is composed of
                    the  University  President  as  chairperson,  the  Vice  President  for  Research,  Development,  Extension
                    and  Training  as  vice  chairperson  and  the  Directors  for  Research,  Extension  and  Training,  and
                    Research  Coordinators  as  members.  The  RDC  shall  serve  as  the  policy-proposing  body  of  the
                    Research  and  Development  Division,  and  the  clearinghouse  of  ideas,  specifically  in  the  priority
                    setting, implementation and evaluation of the RDET program of the University.

    Board  of  Management. The  Board  of  Management  (BOM)  of  IGP  is  composed  of  the  University
                    President as Chairperson, the VP for Planning and Resource Generation as Vice Chairperson, and the
                    following  as  members:  IGP  Director,  Director  of  Finance,  COA  Resident  Auditor,  and  the  Campus
                    Directors of Lagawe and Potia Campuses.
                           It has the power to review all IGP activities/undertakings and recommend those that are
                    viable  to  be  continued  and  those  that  are  losing  to  be  terminated.  It  also  acts  as  the  policy-
                    proposing body of IGP policies, programs and projects.

                                                          IFSU Code
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