P. 32

Part 1- Administrative Manual

             Notes to the Organizational Structure:

                   The Main Campus is in Nayon, Lamut, Ifugao. There are five (5) external campuses; Potia, Lagawe,
                    Tinoc, Hapao and Aguinaldo Campuses.
                   Colleges  are  established  in  line  with  the  Campus’  identified  strength  and  foci/nitch  i.e.  Main  –
                    Academic,  Potia  –  Agriculture  &  Forestry,  Home  Sciences  &  Industry;  Lagawe  –  Engineering  &
                    Industrial Technology and Business Mgt.
                   The Vice Presidents lead and manage the Service Departments under them. They also serve as think
                    tanks  of  policies  and  innovations  for  the  improvement  of  their  areas  of  jurisdiction.    While  the
                    Campus Executive Directors report directly to the President, it is expected that programs, projects
                    and activities they will submit for approval have the endorsement of the Vice President who has the
                    jurisdiction or whose function is directly related to the subject of the request. Similarly, copies of
                    routine communications shall be furnished the VPs concerned.
                   Service Departments (under the VPs) are to be led by Directors.
                   The Campus Executive Director shall have direct supervision of and administrative control over their
                    campus including security, health offices, local campus registrar, librarian, administrative offices and
                   The  University  President  may,  in  the  interest  of  the  service,  modify  the  alignment  and  scope  of
                    functions of the various offices and faculty assignment.

                   CODETE – College of Open Distance Education & Transnational Education
                   NBC – National Budget Circular
                   NSTP – National Service Training Program
                   GIAHS – Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System
                   PE – Physical Education
                   OFPHIL – Ophthalmological Foundation of the Philippines
                   Climate Change M/A (CCMAC)– Climate Change Mitigation/Adaptation Center

             3.2.   Key University Offices, Basic Functions, Sub-Structure, Officers and their Functions

             3.2.1. IFSU Governing Board/Board of Regents (GB/BOR)

                           The highest governing body of the University is the Board of Regents (BOR). This is in line
                    with the corporate nature of the university operation as set forth by the IFSU Charter. Specifically,
                    Sec. 4 of RA 9720, states that the University shall have the general powers of a corporation set forth
                    in  Batas  Pambansa  Blg.  68,  as  amended,  otherwise  known  as  the  “Corporation  Code  of  the
                    Philippines”. As such, the administration of the University and the exercise of its corporate powers
                    shall be vested exclusively in the Board of Regents and the President of the University.

     Composition of the BOR
                           The composition of the BOR is that which is written/clearly stated in Sec. 5 of RA No. 9720
                    (The Governing Board) found in page 5 of this code.

    Duties and Responsibilities of the BOR
                           The duties and responsibilities of the BOR is that which is written/clearly stated in Sec. 7 of
                    RA No. 9720 (Powers and Duties of the Board of Regents) found in page 6 of this code.

    Promulgation and Implementation of Policies.
                           The  promulgation  and  implementation  of  Policies  shall  follow  that  which  is  written/clearly
                    stated in Sec. 6 of RA No. 9720 (Promulgation and Implementation of Policies) found in page 5 of
                    this code. In addition, the following provisions of RA 8292 shall be followed.

                                                          IFSU Code
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