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P. 45

Ai'nong    his   most    presti-  set  a  brass   plate   in   tlie   larg-  exception    of    tlie   United  @ iiiipnrsunsslopo.cli/fi'/basics/

         gious    accomplishinents  er  rock    fuithest    from   the  Kingdom)     condeinned  geo/fcrq{horizori

         was   the  preparation    of   tlie  left   bank   at  373.64   metres  Switzerland    for   this   action,  Rues-de-veveyhiou.general-gursan.lyhn

         topograpliical     maps    of  above   sea  level.)  but   by   an  unfortunate    coiii-  @siryiryvmemo.filarficle.asp?
                                                                                   @ unvutasst.cly/PIONNIERS/05.

          Switzerland.     During    the                  cidence   these   governments
                                                                                   Drrfow:FR libnl
         Napoleonic     Wars    tlie  It   was,   neveitheless,    tlie  faced   revolutions    of   their  @svurwgeneve.cly/fao/2003/20030903
          impoitance     of    accurate  Sonderbu'id    ciisis   of   1847  own   in  1848,   wlffch   meant
         maps    liad    come    to   be  that   was   to  make   Dufour    a  that   Switzerland    could-and
                                                                                   HAYWARD    BEYWOOD
         understood.    In   1832   he  per-  national     hero   (see   box).  did-ignore    these   protests.
          suaded   the  autlioi'ities    that  When   six   Catholic    cantons
         the   mapping    of  Switzerland  seceded    from    the   federa-  Dufour    was   opposed    to  any
          could   only   be  cari'ied   out   if  tion,   Dufour    was   placed   in  forin    of   vanity    or   excess
         he  was   provided    with   suffi-  cliarge   of  a national    aimy   to  and   became    laiown    for
          cient   funding    and   adequate  bring    the   ening    cantons  always    seeking    le   juste
         manpower.     In  tlie  face   of  back   into   tl'ie  fold.   He   had  inilieu-the     middle    course-
          considerable     difficulties,  more   and   better   traiiied    sol-  even   if  it  sometimes    placed
          the  project   was   completed  diers,   better   guns   and   better  hiin   in   an   uncomfortable
          iii   1865    and   became   well  equipment,    and   he   used  position.    The   indefatigable
          known     througl'iout     tlie  them   to  decisive   effect   to  cliampion    of  national    unity,
          world   for   a  level   of  accura-  overcome    the   rebels   in  described    as  conservative,
          cy   "never    before   achieved".  twenty-five    days.   A  gratefiil  upriglit    and   unselfish,    died
          At   first,   Beme   was   used   as  Swiss    govei'nment    gave  iii   his  family   home   on  14
          tlie   oi'igin   of   the  measure-  Dufour   40,000   Swiss   francs  July   1875.   We   may   nowa-
          ments,   but   tlte   poiiit   of   ref-  for   his  role    in  tl'iis   affair,  days   admire   the   equesh'ian
          erence   has  now   been   fixed  wliicli    he  partly   distributed  statue   of  General   Dufour    in
          on  the  Pierre   dri  Niton,   a  to   the   wounded     on   both  the   middle    of    Place   de
          glacial     ei'ratic     bloc    in  sides.   Many   European    gov-  Neuve   in   Geneva.
          Geneva    Harboir.    (Dufour  eriu'nents   (with   the   notable

                                      THE   SONDERBUND              CRISIS

             The   oiigin    of  tlic   Sondcibund    Ciisis   lay   ui   tl'ie   canton   ofAaigari    wlicie    in  1840   tlie   Catliolic    i'iiinoiity    were   ieqriired    to

             swcai   an  oatli   of   loyalty   and  rose   up  in  piotest    On  13  Januai'y   1841   tlic   cantonal   govemmcnt    dissolved    tlic   eiglit
             monasteries    tliat   had   staitetl   tlie   ievolt   Howevei,    the   Fedeial   Pact   of   1815   had   specifically    piotected    the   monastet-ies
             cmd  placcd   tliem   undei   fedeial,   not   cantonal,    control   Tlic   Catliolic    cantons   piotestcd    and   a  guei'iilla    war   bioke   orit  bet-
             wccnAaigau    and   Lriccine    On  11  Dcccmbci    1845   the   Catliolic    cantons   of  Fiibourg,    LLICCIIIC,   Scl'iwytz,    Untci'waldcn,
             Uii, Valais  aiid Zug foiined tlieinselves  into  a secict con[edeiation-tlie  Sondeibund  [sel:iaiatealliance]-to  insist tliat tl'ie

             tcmis   of  tlie   Fedcral   Pact   were   obseived    j'cpait   from   Fribourg,    wl'iicl'i   was   completely    isolated,   these   cantons   fori'ned
             acontiguoustcuitotyintl'ieagiicultinalandmorintainouslicaitlandofSwitzeiland    TheyinvitcdJctiuitpiicststotake
             cliaigco[icligioustcacliing    Theopposition,ccnticdontliecantonsorBemc,Geneva,StGallen,Solotluun,Vaudand
             Zuiicli,    begcm   to  oiganize    itself   The   fcdctcil   Diet   meeting   in  Beme   in  luly   1847   voted   by   a  tnajonty    of  twelve   out   of
             tlic   twcnty-two    ccintons   to  dissolvc    tlie   Sondcrtuind    Appenzcll    Innei-Rhoden    and   NcucMtel    cfeclared   tlieii   neutrality
             (and   WCI   C  subscqricntly    ('incd   fox  tliis)   Tlic   Sondeibund    Wai   bcgan   oi'i4   Novcmlici    1847   nibouig    capitiilatcd    alinost

             witl'iout    a  figlit   I-l'ie   iast   ccmton-Valciis-sriuendered    on  tlie   twcnty-fiftli    d,iy   'Tlie   loss   or   life   WclS  modest   and   tl'ie  victo-
             iious   troops   weie   ordered   by   Duforu   to  iefiain    fiom   any   acts   of  vcngean<,e,   Tlic   Jcsuitb   fled

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