Page 48 - DIVA_1_2008_No.32
P. 48


                                              Book review by Andrew Pickens

                                 My   parents have friends who   Union, and with phthalates for   families, may be standing on the
                                                           export to the United States.   shoulders of the giant European
                                 date well before my birth. Some
                                                           European manufacturers have   Union, which now includes 480
                                 are actually making a difference
                                                           found far less toxic alternatives   million people spreading across
                                 in the next generation's quality
                                                           and European kids have as many   27 countries-but people and
                                 of life. One of them is like an   plastic animals and other goofy   businesses here are more aware
                                 intellectual god-father of sorts.
                                                           playthings as their American   than in the US of public health
                                 His name is Mark Schapiro and
                                                           counterparts."              risks/costs triggered by exposu-
                                 he's based in San Francisco. He
                                                                                       re to toxic chemicals. We can
                                 has written a book that will
                                                           Mark has opened up this impor-  always do more in Switzerland.
                                 make a BIG difference. It's entit-
                                                           tant environmental time-bomb--
                                 led: "Exposed: The Toxic
                                                           so the question arises: Why is the   More good news is that people
                                 Chemistry ofEveryday Products
                                                           US lagging so far behind Europe?   are opting to act, while the
                                 and What's at Stake for                               United States, as Mark confides,
                                 American Power"  (Chelsea   According to Mark, illegal sub-  "remains complacent with the
                                 Green, White River Junction,
                                                           stances like lead are integrated   status quo." So for those parents
                                 VT, 2007, 1SBN978-1-933392-
                                                           into toys and shipped to the   with second thoughts about rai-
                                                           United States from China. He   sing kids in America versus
                                                           notes that, "they slip into the   Europe, can be comforted that
                                 Mark is a muckraker and we are
                                                           country past the eviscerated   aging European politicians
                                 proud of the fact that he dares to
                                                           Consumer Product Safety     worry about removing toys with
                                 expose the industries and
                                                           Commission (CPSC), whose sole   phthalates from babies'
                                 government policies that are
                                                           toy inspector spends most of his   cribs.. .and ultimately their
                                 allowing toxic toys to be sold
                                                           time making sure toys don't break   mouths.
                                 and then innocently placed in
                                                           in children's hands, rather than
                                 babies' cribs. Less than a decade
                                                           assessing the toxic substances   So having a long-time friend is a
                                 or two, those toys could have
                                                           that enter into their body. In fact,   valuable asset. Having a really
                                 been in our cribs, and as the
                                                           the CPSC's budget has dropped   smart one who is making a diffe-
                                 saying goes--any available
                                                           almost in parallel with the rising   rence in shaping the next gene-
                                 orifice. Danger!
                                                           reliance of U.S. toy manufactu-  ration and keeping it a healthier
                                                           rers on production in China."   and safer world for our kids, is
                                 Mark also has a blog at the                           the cherry on the cake.
                                 Center for Investigative
                                                           Maybe the US presidential
                                 Reporting based in Berkeley.
                                                           elections will change the course   Mark Schapiro is the editorial
                                 He is editorial director and tells
                                                           of events in November 2007.   director of Center for
                                 us that we should not worry as
                                                           Presidential hopeful Hillary   Investigative Reporting (CIR),
                                 much when we buy a "Made in
                                                           Clinton is calling for vigilance of   and author of Exposed: The
                                 China"  toy here in Europe ver-
                                                           US imports from China. The   Toxic Chemistry of Everyday
                                 sus the US. He writes,  "Take
                                                           others--like Barack Obama-may   Products and What's at Stake for
                                 toys, for example: the
                                                           follow as the political debate   American Power.
                                 Europeans responded to a gro-  heats up.
                                 wing body of evidence sugges-
                                                                                       Andrew Pickens, Grade  11,
                                 ting that aplastic additive called
                                                           Mark points out however, "It's   Chataigneraie, International
                                 phthalates may contribute to
                                                           not just illegal substances like   School of Geneva, age 16
                                 decreased production of testos-
                                                           lead that are being
                                 terone in infant boys by banning
                                                           integrated into an
                                 the substance from use in pro-
                                                           array of consumer
                                 ducts aimed at children under   products. A host of
                                 the age of three. Much of the evi-  substances suspected
                                 dence used by the Europeans to
                                                           of causing cancer,
                                 make that decision came from
                                                           mutating genes and
                                 American scientists, some of
                                                           disrupting the repro-
                                 whom have been supported in
                                                           ductive system are
                                 their research by our own
                                                           permitted in the
                                 Agency (EPA). But there has
                                 been no one in the US govern-
                                                           The good news is that
                                 ment willing to listen.
                                                           Switzerland staying
                                 The result: toys are manufactu-
                                                           on guard), are ban-
                                 red in China without phthalates
                                                           fling toxins from use.
                                 for export to the European
                                                           We, Swiss-based
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