Page 42 - DIVA_1_2020
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c u l t u r e

                  XII International Music Festival

                  « Sharq taronalari »

                                                  Samarkand, Uzbekistan

                  A UNESCO recognized cultural event

                 Sharq  Taronalari  is  one  of  the  largest  music  festivals  in   of  the  great  state  of  Amir  Temur,  while  the  Registan
                 Central Asia. Held every two years in Samarkand’s famous   Square  reflects  the  heyday  of  Mirzo  Ulugbek.  This  legacy
                 and historical Registan Square since 1997, this festival brings   has  attracted  scientists,  artisans  and  artists  for  centuries.
                 together the most talented singers, dancers, and musicians   Ms  Azoulay,  further  emphasized  that  the  preservation  of
                 from around the world.                          the  universal  heritage,  the  development  of  musical  art  as
                                                                 a  universal  language  of  intercultural  dialogue  is  part  of
                 The  festival  was  officially  opened  by  the  President  of   UNESCO’s mission, and that the organization seeks to develop
                 Uzbekistan,  Mr Shavkat  Mirziyoyev  on  26th  August.  In   full-scale  cooperation  with  Uzbekistan  in  this  direction.
                 his speech, the President said that the festival has become   This  year’s  festival  was  attended  by  340  artists  from  75
                 a  platform  for  dialogue  among  diverse  cultures  and   countries. Representatives of Argentina, Myanmar and the
                 civilizations, countries and peoples. Each artist, the President   Fiji Islands attended the Sharq Taronalari for the first time.
                 said, performing on stage, at the Registan Square, glorifies
                 the  high  ideals  of  humanism  uniting  people  regardless  of   The  twelfth  festival  was  different  than  the  previous  ones.
                 their ethnic origin, language or religion.      The  performers  participated  in  a  competition  for  the  best
                                                                 professional  performance  of  folk  songs  and  melodies.
                 Ms  Audrey  Azoulay,  UNESCO  Director-General,  in  her   An  international  jury  consisting  of  11  representatives  of
                 speech highlighted that Samarkand embodies the magnitude   international  organizations,  musicologists  and  composers

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