Page 44 - DIVA_1_2020
P. 44

c u l t u r e

                     Interview with
                     Abdou Karim

                     “Waagan” Fye

                 Abou Karim is a Gambian national, and he is one of the key   Q:  Could you tell us a little about yourself?
                 players in the Gambian music world today. He started out   I have been a fan and a music enthusiast my whole life, so,
                 with almost nothing, and today, his “baby”, the Open Mic   this is the reason why I wanted to get into the music business.
                 Festival has become one of the most important music events   Unfortunately, the infrastructure was not there. I went to the
                 in Gambia -- if not the most important. A true success story!   United States to study. Although I did not study music officially,
                 We had a chance to meet him during the “Sharq taronalari”   while I was there, I practiced music, being around the hip-hop
                 international  music  festival  in  Registan,  Samarkand,   scene, reggae, and I learned so much through being there.
                 Uzbekistan,  and  we  were  very  impressed  with  his
                 achievements, so now we leave the floor to the man behind   How did you get the idea?
                 the Open Mic Festival, Mr Abdou Karim.          I had some open mic experience in the United States.  When

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