Page 43 - DIVA_1_2020
P. 43

c u l t u r e

                                                                   According  to  tradition,  “Prospects  for  development  of
                                                                   traditional  musical  art  of  Eastern  people”  conference  was
                                                                   held  within  the  framework  of  the  festival.  The  reports  of
                                                                   musicologists  and  scientists  from  more  than  10  countries
                                                                   were heard, presentations were made.

                                                                   The  awarding  ceremony  of  the  XII  Sharq  Taronalari
                   evaluated the performers and their performance. Based upon   International Music Festival took place on the 30th and let
                   their evaluations, the winners were selected at the end of the   us briefly mention, teams from Tajikistan (the “Badakhshan”
                   festival.                                       collective) and from Russia (the “Ayarkhan” collective), as well
                                                                   as representatives of Uzbekistan – Azizjon Abduazimov and
                   The  festival  also  included  a  number  of  events,  open   Ulugbek Elmurodzoda were awarded third place diplomas,
                   concerts,  creative  meetings,  scientific  conferences…   and prize of 2000 USD.
                   Museums,  handicraft  centers  and  hotels  in  Samarkand
                   hosted exhibitions that presented the history of the festival   The second place was awarded to the teams “Archabil” from
                   in  photographs,  products  of  national  handicrafts,  musical   Turkmenistan and “Hatan” from Mongolia. They were awarded
                   instruments. Trips were organized to historical monuments   the prize of 3500 US dollars, and finally the duo Komuzchilar
                   that have a long history, holy places of worship, educational   from Kyrgyzstan and Parviz Gasimov from Azerbaijan won
                   institutions,  modern  manufacturing  enterprises,  historical   the first place in the professional performance of folk songs
                   gardens of Amir Temur. Registan square is the jewel of Amir   and melodies, and were awarded 5000 USD.
                   Timur’s capital, Samarkand, a city that attracted the brightest   The  Grand  Prix  of  the  XII  Sharq  Taronalari  International
                   minds at the time. Scientists, artists, architects and poets each   Music  Festival  was  awared  to  the  Uzbek  music  group
                   contributed to this legendary city, making it one of the main   Mekhrinigor Abdurashidova.
                   stops on the Silk Road and a centre of learning in Asia.                                   MF

                   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT   -   D I VA
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