Page 45 - DIVA_1_2020
P. 45

c u l t u r e

                   I went back home, I realized that there were no platforms for
                   local artists, so, I asked my business partner what he thought
                   about the idea of an open mic. We brainstormed over it for
                   about 6 months. How could we go about it? What to do? We
                   realized that there was a void there, and maybe, if we filled
                   that void, we might have something going on. So, we started
                   in  a  small  venue,  maximum  of  200  persons.  We  started
                   slowly, growing from there. We also realized that the venue
                   visualizes, and we decided to decentralize it and take it out to
                   the streets in different neighbourhoods. We did just that, and
                   the rest is history. That was the magic potion.

                   When we started, we were practically the only ones doing
                   local music on the radio. Today there are more than 20 radio
                   stations, and on every radio station you tune into you hear
                   local  Gambian  music.  Nightly  there  are  events  with  local
                   performances.  You  go  to  any  club  now,  and  you  will  hear
                   Gambian  music  being  played.  Not  so  long  ago,  we  were
                   practically the only ones playing Gambian music in the clubs,
                   in the radio.
                   In 2008, we started our TV show. There were sceptics, but we   committed guys are. You can encourage these people so they
                   kept to strict standards. We did not just play something because   can get to the big platform.
                   it was local music. It had to be of good quality. We had access to
                   studios, sound systems, and we just made sure to pick the best,   Q:  From  what  I  understand,  you  started  out  long  before
                   and then the people eventually put their trust in us.  these U.S. TV shows got talent etc.
                                                                   We had the idea and we went to the grassroots. Unfortunately,
                   Q: So, it grew from the grassroots to become something very   our society is not as well developed as those countries, so we
                   big. How do you feel today?                     did not have a lot of the same opportunities. But we made use
                   It is like a dream come true. It actually means starting from   of what we had on the ground, and like I just said, it was grass
                   something  non-existent  to  growing  to  the  biggest  musical   roots, and it worked! Just get to the people, to the grass roots.
                   platform in your country, something written about now in the   The grassroots have always worked in any form of campaign
                   history books regarding the country’s culture. So, definitely it   that you do.
                   feels great, feeling like you have achieved something worthy.  The open mic festival is also called the people’s event because
                                                                   of the way people gravitated to this event. They saw these
                   Q: Are you planning to venture into other forms of art or are   artists  from  their  neighbourhood,  some  of  them  are  their
                   you concentrating only on music?                friends,  their  brothers  and  sisters.   You  are  in  school  with
                   Well, mostly the music business, but other parts of the music   some of these guys, and now these guys are among the big
                   business. We do other things to complement that, such as   stars  in  Gambia  so  that’s  why  people  called  it  the  people’s
                   video production, and looking to radio and TV recording,   event. If you are selected, there’s the pride you feel if you are
                   hopefully getting our own radio and TV channel so this will   selected. If you are not selected, you have to work harder.
                   complement what we are already doing.           Yeah, it’s worth it.
                   We do monthly shows, talent scouting, creating a platform for
                   the upcoming artists, radio and sound system, and we have all   Q: It is very encouraging to listen to you, and I’m happy
                   platforms that artists need to get through to get to the big stage.   to hear how you have managed to engage all these people.
                   Once you’ve passed all these little channels, you definitely have   What is the next thing you would like to achieve?
                   grown and matured as an artist to get to the big stage. When   We are particularly looking at the Senegalese market. Senegal
                   you get to the big stage, you start to become a national name   is  our  closest  neighbour,  but  it  is  not  an  easy  market  to
                   and to earn a living through that. When you become a good   penetrate because they have a way more established music
                   enough artist, you can roll on your own. We did not sign a   industry than we do. Their population is 13 times bigger than
                   contract with any of them, we just provided a platform so that   ours and their spending power is higher than in Gambia. I
                   any of them could randomly take advantage of it.  think  they  have  managed  to  penetrate  the  world.  We  also
                                                                   going international with the Gambian diaspora in Europe and
                   It is open to anyone. The flagship event is called the Open Mic   the US. Gambia has a very small population so the diaspora
                   Festival. It started out in different neighbourhoods. We went   outside the country is not very big either, but that is still a
                   there and said, “If you think you are talented enough, give it a   channel that we can explore further.
                   try even though it does not mean that you will necessarily get
                   out there.”  So, that’s the reason why we had all these different   Leaving Abdou Karim “Waagan” Fae, we only hope that this
                   platforms, all of these things. And you start to see who the   success story can inspire others.

                   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT   -   D I VA
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