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c u l t u r e

                 30 Years United Nations Society of Writers

                 des ecrivains

                 des nations unies

                 Tempus fugit! Can it be thirty                                         attract  bold,  spontaneous,
                 years  already  since  that                                            uncomplicated,  crisp  new
                 felicitous  summer  afternoon                                          texts  that  would  address
                 when  we  were  sitting  in  the                                       our   innermost   feelings,
                 Press  Bar  near  door  6  at                                          aspirations,    fantasies
                 the  old  Palais  des  Nations,                                        –    whether   humorous,
                 chatting  about  contemporary                                          melancholic,  nostalgic  or
                 literature?                                                            lovesick.  A  name  for  the
                                                                                        review  soon  popped  up  in
                 There  we  were,  on  14  August  1989  --  a  young,  dynamic   my mind: Ex Tempore – impromptu, improvised…  We were
                 Brazilian UN staffer, Leonor Sampaio, a well-seasoned UN   ready to venture into the production of literature and were
                 translator  from  Argentina,  Sergio  Chaves,  and  myself,  an   optimistic about the response by peers and outside critics.
                 eager-beaver  American  lawyer  with  the  then  Centre  for
                 Human  Rights  (soon  to  be  renamed  Office  of  the  High   Both  Sergio  and  I  were  already  members  of  PEN
                 Commissioner for Human Rights), sharing impressions on   International, Centre Suisse romand and had many non-UN
                 Isabel Allende, Margaret Atwood, Jorge Luis Borges, Paulo   friends who wrote extremely well. We also knew that the then
                 Coelho,  Friedrich  Durrenmatt,  Gabriel  García  Márquez,   Director General of the United Nations Office in Geneva, Jan
                 Nadine Gordimer, Philippe Jaccottet, Doris Lessing -- while   Martenson, was member of Swedish PEN and author of some
                 leisurely sipping on espressos and cappuccinos….  30 novels – most of them police thrillers. We felt confirmed
                                                                 in our project.
                 Half-way  through  our  animated  chat,  Leonor  proposed
                 launching  a  literary  club  at  the  UN,  Sergio  seconded  the   The first problem was, of course, how to finance it? We knew
                 initiative, and I suggested publishing our own literary journal.   that initially we would have to do it out of our own pockets
                 We were excited about this incipient United Nations Society of   and were confident that with time we would find sponsors and
                 Writers, Société des écrivains des Nations Unies, which would   subsidies. This aspect of the adventure proved particularly
                 tap the hidden literary talent of so many UN staffers – not   arduous, and it was not until 1993 that we managed to obtain
                 just at UNOG, but at ILO, WHO, WIPO, even WTO! Who   a modest subsidy through the Socio-Cultural Commission of
                 knows? Maybe some kept love poems and stimulating essays   the Coordinating Council of the UN staff.
                 somewhere hidden in their office drawers, just waiting to let
                 them out. Would our colleagues not welcome the opportunity   Volume  one  was  typed  on  A4  paper  using  regular
                 of liberating themselves from the constraints of UN jargon, of   typewriters  (not  computers)  and  assembled  quite  simply,
                 resolutions with long preambular paragraphs and reports full   photocopied and then bound in a  Migros-folder, just like
                 of graphics and heavy with annexes? We were persuaded that   the  ones  that  students  use  to  submit  their  term  papers.
                 many of us could produce respectable poetry, short stories,   Volume  one  came  out  in  October  and  comprised  a  mere
                 essays, science-fiction, even plays in all six UN languages–   23 pages. The A4 format (somewhat smaller than the folio
                 not in bureaucratic legalese, but in the style of our favourite   format of Guttenberg’s Bible) was kept for four more issues,
                 contemporary authors.                           until we chose the A5 format for volume 6 (reminiscent of
                                                                 the popular Renaissance quarto format, although it actually
                 Happy with the prospect of cultivating our own garden and   resembles  more  the  octavo  format)  and  all  subsequent
                 plucking the flowers of multicultural imagination, we knew   volumes. The number of pages quickly rose from 23 to 60
                 we needed a catchy name – not a boring or hackneyed “UN   to 100 to the now more common 160 pages, and 180 for the
                 literary  review”  or  a  pretentious  Pléiade  …  We  wanted  to   2019 thirtieth anniversary issue.

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