Page 18 - DIVA_1_2011
P. 18


                  Interview with Fiorina Mugione, Chief, Entrepreneurship Section,
                     Enterprise Development Branch, Division on Investment and
                 Enterprise United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,

                                      their businesses, hired   MBA. I try to bring together  what the private sector should
                                      others and dragged       all of these elements.   be doing to provide entrepre-
                                      themselves out of pover-                         neurship education and skills
                                      ty.                      Q: The Division on  development.
                                      We wanted to know more   Enterprise of UNCTAD  First of all, the fundamental
                                      about what UNCTAD        every year organizes  change in education today is
                                      does in this field, so we   huge meetings here in  the move towards a lifelong
                                                               Geneva regarding entre-
                                      knocked 	                                        learning cycle. With the fast
                                      Mugione's door. Despite   preneurship. Why?      changing environment, today
                                      her busy schedule, she                           there is a higher need to stay
              In these times of                                We all know that the financial  competitive and up to date. In
                                      took the time to receive
                                      us and to talk about     crisis has hit and it brings pro-  earlier times, you may have
              governments and other                            found change. Change also  spent fifteen or twenty years
              agencies are reflecting   something that she is   generates opportunities for  in school and at the end you
              on ways to develop the   really committed to: crea-
                                      ting entrepreneurs, hel-  aspiring new entrepreneurs-  could obtain a Ph.D. as the
              economy and put it back
                                      ping people to become    hips. We are trying to be cons-  highest level-- and that was it!
              on track. Statistics show
                                      confident and self-suffi-  tructive and positive in this  Now you have to be flexible,
              that it is not principally
                                      cient. So now we now     time of crisis and to bring up  learning new skills throughout
              through big companies
                                      leave the floor to Ms    optimism, because entrepre-  your whole life. What we fmd
              that jobs are created, but
                                      Mugione.                 neurship can generate the  increasingly is that, alongside
              rather through small and
                                                               change that the economy  the formal education system,
              medium-sized compa-                              needs. It brings innovative  there are other forms of edu-
              nies. However, before   Q: Could you tell us
                                      something about your     products to the market and  cation and capacity-building
              reaching that point, we
                                      background?              inspires new policies.   taking place throughout life.
              tend to forget that behind
              each company there is a
                                      My name is Fiorina Mugione   Entrepreneurship can be fos-  For the education sector, what
              man or a woman who has
                                      and I have been working with   tered by the government. The  we are recommending is that
              spent time developing a
                                      the United Nations since 1987   relationship between the  you start to teach kids to beco-
              business idea, pursuing                          public and private sector is  me entrepreneurs at the prima-
              a dream, creating some-  in different positions, in diffe-  changing. With the Multi-year  ry level. We say that an entre-
              thing                   rent duty-stations. I have wor-
                                      ked for the UN in Bangkok   Expert Meeting on Enterprise  preneur is not only a person
                                      and New York, OECD in Paris   Development Policies and  that starts his/her own busi-
              More than twenty years
                                      and now I have been in   Capacity-building in Science,  ness; he or she is a person who
              ago UNCTAD set up a
                                      Geneva for a number of years.   Technology and Innovation  will launch a project and will
              programme, Empretec,
                                       For the past four years, I have   we are building up awareness  also behave in a different way
              on how to support and
                                      been given the assignment of   about the policy issues to  in a working environment. In
              encourage 	                                      encourage entrepreneurship  any structure, even in a
              neurship. Ifs one of the   developing entrepreneurship   and what they should be like.  bureaucracy or a government,
              UN success stories       in UNCTAD. We aim to
                                       improve entrepreneurship   In fact, we have identified six  you can become entrepreneu-
              which should be better
                                       policy and also to deliver   areas and we are building a  rial and make things happen.
              known. Thanks to this
                                       technical assistance to develo-  policy tool-kit that shows
              successful 	                                      policy-makers how they can  By starting to teach entrepre-
              more than 200'000        ping countries to foster or
                                       inspire entrepreneurship.   inspire entrepreneurship. The  neurship to children at the pri-
              persons have been trai-
                                                                last meeting dealt with educa-  mary level, you can build an
              ned to become entrepre-
                                       I'm an economist and I have   tion and what you
              neurs all over the world
                                       experience of international   need to do at the
              since 1988.
                                       investment. I worked for   policy level to
                                       many years on investment   bring change to the
              Through the ongoing
                                       policies and now on entrepre-  education sector.
              efforts of the UNCTAD                             We were looking
              team, networking activi-  neurship. To me they are lin-  not only at the for-
              ties and conferences,    ked -- you cannot have one
                                       without the other. I also bring   mal education sys-
              many people have set up
                                       some experience from my   tem, but also at
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