Page 22 - DIVA_1_2011
P. 22
Interview with
His Excellency Mr Mohamed Siad Doualeh,
Ambassador of Djibouti
He is a dynamic and Somalia. It was a civil-socie-
action-oriented person. ty-led experience that mobili-
Most people knew little zed Somalis from all walks of
about this tiny c life and produced a govern-
before ment. However, once the
Doualeh arriv government returned to
Geneva in 2006, Somalia it faced security chal-
to him and his dedic. lenges because the warlords
team this is no longer had remained outside the
case. Through t peace process and were oppo-
work, they have sed to the government.
ded in what mr Djibouti has remained conti-
would have nuously concerned in the
almost impossible. Somali situation, having been
had a chance to a involved in the peace process
with Mr Ambassador, that took place in Nairobi
this is what he had (2004), leading to the forma-
say tion of the transitional federal
government, and has hosted
Q: Mr Ambassador you the process that culminated
are the first ambassador where I come from -- a This is a very beautiful with the signing of the
of Djibouti in Geneva. conflict background. In 2004, region, with beautiful people Djibouti Agreement in 2009.
When did you first come I was appointed special envoy possessing rich cultures -- We do believe that the pro-
and what was it like to for Djibouti in Somalia, and I resourceful and talented peo- blems in the region can be and
start from scratch? also served briefly as the spe- ple with a huge economic must be solved. This is a prio-
cial envoy for Djibouti in potential, but unfortunately rity for the region whose lea-
The Government of Djibouti Sudan during the Machakos we do continue to face chal- ders are investing time, ener-
had considered opening a chapter of the protacted Igad- lenges -- mainly related to gy and resources with the ulti-
mission here in Geneva for a led Sudan peace process. I security. You know very well mate goal of achieving a las-
very long time, but due to was also the spokesperson of the situation in Somalia, and ting stability in the region.
financial constraints the deci- the Ministry of Foreign there is one situation that Having said that, it must be
sion was always postponed. Affairs and advisor to the remains the most problematic stressed that support of the
When Djibouti was elected as minister in charge of regional -- the already daunting securi- internationmal community is
a member of the newly esta- affairs. ty challenges are better com- vital in this endeavour.
blished Human Rights pounded by the emergence of
Council, in 2006. The Q: Would it be correct to the threat of piracy off the Q: Your country is small
President decided to establish say that you are a specia- coast of Somalia.. As you in size, but strategically
a mission here in Geneva, and list on the Horn of may be aware, Djibouti has important in a geopoliti-
I was the one entrusted with Africa? spent a lot of time, effort and cal context. We believe
the responsibility of establis- resources along with its that you are becoming
hing it. That is how I came to "Specialist" sounds bombas- friends from the region and more and more involved
be here. It was a very challen- tic, but of course I spent quite the international community in world affairs. Is this
ging but an exciting task. I a lot of time dealing with trying to find a solution to the correct?
benefited from the support of these issues. I have a particu- problem. The involvement of
the Swiss authorities, and also lar interest in this region Djibouti in the resolution of The strategic importance of
the very distinguished mem- because of the way it affects the Somali conflict dates back Djibouti has been recognized
bers of the various regional my own country. to 1991, when that State sud- by all. That strategic impor-
groups to which Djibouti denly collapsed. That is when tance is today apparent becau-
belongs. Q: We do not hear much the first conference was held. se of the multifaceted challen-
about this region -- apart Later, in 2000, the Djibouti ges facing the world. Piracy is
Q: What is your back- from the hijacking of President, Ismail Omar one such phenomenon that
ground Mr Ambassador? ships, piracy, etc. Do Guelleh, convened the has deep ramifications. It is
think that the problems Somalia National Peace evident that Djibouti has been
Before coming here, I was in the region will be sol- Conference, known as the ready ever since the begin-
based in Nairobi as a special ved? Arta Conference. This was an ning to face challenges in
envoy for Somalia. That's attempt to conduct a thorough partnership with its friends
examination of the problem in from the international com-
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