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demic and theoretical; focus  enough!
                                           0: What do you do   on behaviours and attitudes is  Q: If somebody said: "I will
                                           with the different   lacking. Entrepreneurship, we  support your program-
                                           business schools?   say, is a way out of poverty.  me, what do you need
                                                               That's the reason why we  and what would you like to
                                           With business schools,   would like to involve business   achieve?
                                           we are trying to link up   schools to work with the poor
                                           our programme. We are   and encourage them -- buil-  We would like to double that
                                           trying to participate in   ding awareness about what we   number of trainees in five
                                           their network and to   need to do to get people out of   years. We may not be able to
              than men because of cultural   develop new business models   poverty. People cannot conti-  increase dramatically the num-
              issues. In certain countries,   for the poor. We would like   nue being poor, and we would   ber of training centres though
              women would not go to a   business schools in as many   like to encourage them to get   due to funding constraints.
              bank alone. It's difficult to
                                      countries as possible to think   out of poverty and build up
              change such behaviours but,   along these lines, encouraging   their wealth. Often it can be   My other goal is that I would
              little by little, we teach them                                          like to increase the number of
                                                               done, and people have a lot of
                                      entrepreneurship, 	                              women participants up to 50%.
              that they can achieve self-
                                      ments, etc.              energy for survival. But if you   At the moment, we have 30%.
              confidence.                                      can also make them think "I   These are my goals: we should
                                       0: Is it difficult to draw   can do better, I can improve   have more Judiths, more entre-
              We are also doing a study on
                                       the attention of business   my life", there is a change.  preneurs, more schools so that
              "women, innovation and
                                       schools to entrepre-    Also development aid is not  these entrepreneurs can become
              entrepreneurship". We are stu-
                                       neurship?               designed to maintain them in  a role model. Of course, mobi-
              dying some Nordic countries                      poverty but to get them out of  lising resources for education is
              and comparing them to deve-
                                       There is a lot of interest from   poverty. We believe it's possi-  always an issue, but the
              loping countries. Although the   business schools in entrepre-  ble. I wish we had more  Empretec methodology and its
              results have not yet been
                                       neurship, and quite a number   resources to make changes in  business plan are good. If not,
              published, there are some                        more people's lives. 200,000  we would not have survived in
                                       of them have well-developed
              really interesting findings that                 people since 1988 have been  Argentina, Ghana nor in Brazil
                                       courses. However, the main
              will be released within the                      trained around the world, but  for more than twenty years!
                                       problem is the traditional edu-
              year showing which are the                       it's not enough! We have been
                                       cation model of business
              obstacles for women to inno-  schools which is still very aca-   operating for twenty years in
              vate in business.                                thirty-two countries, but it's not
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