Page 19 - DIVA_1_2011
P. 19
attitude among them of wan- then they will be better equip- cing the obstacle.
ting to build things, of being ped to answer the question: Financing is a means to
self-confident and also being what do I do now to face these reach your end. But we
able to calculate risk. Within challenges? do recognize that there
the Empretec programme are backlogs and we try
methodology that we have If the government cares at the to help.
developed at UNCTAD, we policy level about inculcating
are focusing at ten competen- entrepreneurship, then educa- To give you an
cies contributing towards tion is number one priority. example, Judith in
becoming an entrepreneur, Then you have networking -- Uganda is a young
and one of them is "calcula- the ability of putting people entrepreneur. Judith was still make changes. From our point
ting the risk". Taking a risk is together. Then you have the in school when she took our of view, we need to make
something that people can do, regulatory framework, sup- course, and she then decided these changes. But in the
but calculating a risk is some- port, the general policy and that she wanted to be an entre- meantime, what do we do?
thing that you need to learn. finally finance. There are preneur. She made a bid to Lots of businesses have star-
An entrepreneur needs to cal- several ways of facilitating start constructing low-cost ted up in times of crisis; you
culate the risk and to manage financing. Next, we have the housing for the community can read about them in mana-
it. Whatever you do in life, level of implementation. where she lives. She does not gement books. These are
especially if you are saving or come from a very poor family enterprises that have been
investing, you need to calcula- We provide technical assistan- but rather a modest family. created because there were
te the risk. Thus, a person with ce in thirty-two countries. She went to all her family and new challenges and new
an entrepreneurial attitude How do we do it? We teach friends and said: "I'm going to opportunities. We are also
will be one who, while mana- these competencies through a graduate soon and you are trying to encourage green
ging his/her accounts, would programme consisting of six- probably thinking of giving entrepreneurship and to pro-
also be calculating the risk, i.e. to ten-day courses. We teach me a present, but I will take tect the environment and build
not taking unnecessary risks. at several levels. For instance, cash from you instead of a novel products.
When you are in business you we have one for low-level lite- present because I'm going to
need to calculate risk, to plan racy groups that can be taught start my own business". She Q: Do you have special
and to predict. In life these are to people who are not strong was very determined and star- courses for female entre-
useful skills. in writing. We use a methodo- ted to build the first housing preneurs?
logy that will teach them the block. She started to mobilize
So, we start by bringing awa- basic competencies of entre- a great deal of interest as her We teach the same course to
reness to children about entre- preneurship everyone because business is
determination was evident.
preneurship and tell them that Through games and practice She started with funding from the same. Sometimes we may
they are not just studying to we are communicating these her family and friends, but have women-only courses;
get a job. They are studying to messages. what made a difference was sometimes we have short and
learn and they are going to be her determination and inten- flexible teaching hours. We
able to grow and think as These thirty-two countries tion to serve the community. have found out through our
entrepreneurs. They will be include the largest programme By the time she had comple- research that women have
able to develop their inner covering all the states in ted the first block, she has the more issues with self-confi-
strength and become better Brazil, hosted by SEBRAE, support of sponsors -- she was dence, planning and networ-
human beings. Primary edu- which is a governmental orga- even received by the First king. Particularly in some
cation is very important. nization. In other countries Lady and had access to the developing countries, there
There should be more school there may be a non-govern- President. She continues to are problems with networking
programmes with the partici- mental organization involved receive a lot of sponsors for aspects. Boys' clubs are there
pation of the private sector -- or a private-sector partnership. her project and we have hel- and are very present, but not
visiting a factory or learning We also work with banks. ped her. Of course, when she for girls. So when we are tea-
about water treatment, for started nobody believed in ching women we reinforce the
example -- all of these things messages as we know that
Q: What do you do to her, but she believed in her-
are part of the business envi- these are critical areas. Other
help young entrepre- self
ronment. We are also talking neurs find funding? than that, the material is the
about social entrepreneurship Credit will come when you same. We do not believe that
-- what the entrepreneur can First of all, when we teach make the hard step of belie- there is a difference.
bring to the community, as entrepreneurship we do not ving in your project and
entrepreneurs are engaged in see financing as the big issue. having a good support system. We are also introducing some
providing social services and We try to demystify the mat- UNCTAD can make a diffe- information technology ele-
public goods. The earlier you ter: just because you do not rence, other institutions can ments for women, because
teach this to children the better have the funds does not mean make a difference and there is they are less experienced. For
because it will encourage that you cannot start your pro- a lot of help available in example, we encourage them
them to confront situations in to have a mobile phone and
ject. If your business idea and making financing accessible.
their lives when they are your business plan are good, It is an obstacle and there are a use it for business, etc. We
going to lose their job or be you should be able to obtain lot of people looking into how emphasize cases where
faced with a crisis, because funding. Do not make finan- to facilitate financing and to women have less opportunity
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