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munity. Djibouti is also at the   tions here in Geneva, but   for the anti-racism agenda at   Djibouti is from November to
            forefront in the fight against   because of its workload the   the global level because we   April. There are many airlines
            terrorism. A joint combined   Human Rights Council keeps   will celebrate the convention  serving Djibouti today --
            task force was set up in   us occupied. Djibouti has   of the Tenth Anniversary of  direct flights from Paris,
            Djibouti after the events in   been a member since the   the Durban Declaration and  Nairobi, Dubai and Cairo. It
            New York on 9/11. Today   beginning and has just been   Programme of Action and the   takes only six hours from
            Djibouti offers a base to   re-elected. What I am trying   International Year of People   Europe; it may seem far away
            Operation Atlanta, which is   to accomplish is to fulfil my   of African descent.   but it's not that far after all.
            fighting piracy off the coast of   duties and responsibilities as a      We have not yet developed
            Somalia. Numerous countries   member of an important orga-  Q: What other internatio-  our full potential because
            are showing interest in   nization. We are currently   nal organizations do you   Djibouti is a fairly new coun-
            Djibouti, particularly an   involved in the negotiations   work closely with?   try. We gained our indepen-
            increasing awareness from   related to the review of the                 dence thirty-three years ago;
            potential investors.    work and functioning of the   WHO, WIPO, ITIJ, UNHCR.   before that we were a French
                                    Human Rights Council.    Djibouti has been a member   colony.
            Q: In terms of economy,                          of the Executive Committee
            what do you have to offer   Q: I know that you have   of UNHCR since 2009. We   Q:
            potential investors?    held very important func-  are also a member of WTO.   Ambassador,  if you had
                                    tions in the Human       The ILO, of course, is also a   a message for the inter-
            We have a strategic location.   Rights Council.   very important organization   national community in
            The ambition of Djibouti is to                   with which we have a strong   Geneva, what would it
            operate as a transportation   I was the Vice-President in   collaboration.   be?
            hub. We are also a member of   2007 -- the African group
            the Common Market for   nominated me for that posi-  We have enough to do and,  First of all, we have to streng-
            Eastern and Southern Africa   tion. I am now the Chairman   unfortunately, we operate   then dialogue and co-opera-
            (COMESA), which is a regio-  of the Intergovernmental   with limited human resour-  tion with a view to developing
            nal organization representing   Working Group on the   ces. For this reason, we esta-  a common understanding and
            a potential market of 400   Durban Declaration and   blish priorities depending on  analysis of the causes of the
            million people. We have   Programme of Action. I was   the calendar of events, as well   problems the world is facing
            invested heavily, particularly   elected in October 2009 and   as priorities back home.   today. Many crucial issues are
            in port infrastructure. We   re-elected in October 2010, I                being dealt with by organiza-
            have security and stability --  chaired two sessions of the   Q: You are also the  tions based in Geneva. In
            that is also an asset that we try   working group dealing with   Ambassador of Djibouti   developing robust responses
            to promote to the greatest   the effective implementation   to Switzerland.   to the problems faced, we
            extent possible. These are, in   of the Durban Declaration                must respect each other, share
            my humble opinion, the main   and Programme of Action   Yes, and this is a very impor-  the burden, co-ordinate and,
            advantages of Djibouti.   (DDPA).                tant responsibility that was  of course, make a results-
                                                             entrusted to me by the  based analysis of whatever
            Q: Returning to your    Q: It must be a challenge   President Mr. Ismail Omar  we do. We should also culti-
            work in Geneva, we      as we have the impres-   Gelleh. So I have to cultivate   vate optimism.
            know that you are very   sion that xenophobia    the
            much involved in the    and racism are growing   Switzerland.             Q: So, you are an action-
            Human Rights Council.   everywhere these days.                            oriented man?
            How do you explain this                          Switzerland is not a destina-
            passion for the field of   We see dangerous trends. The   tion that is very well known in   Yes! Think, but with a view to
            human rights?           most dangerous trend in my   Djibouti, so one of my ambi-  acting and developing respon-
                                    opinion is the emergence of   tions is to strengthen the ties  ses to particular problems. Do
            Human rights have gained   political platforms based   between the two countries  not just complain and lament
            importance in world affairs,   upon racism. I think we all   through investments. More  about what we could have
            as it was created as one of the   have a collective responsibili-  specifically, I would like to  done and what we have not
            pillars of the United Nations   ty to fight back. That's what   encourage Swiss investors to   done -- because by then it
            at the same level as security   we are trying to do in the wor-  take an interest in Djibouti.   may be too late!
            and development. The    king group and we are also
            Human Rights Council, when   trying to do something about   We have tourist destinations
            it was established in 2006 as   it in the Human Right's   that are at present little
            the principal organ entrusted   Council, because we have a   known. We have varied sce-
            with the responsibility for   special rapporteur on this   nery: the sea, mountains, vol-
            promoting the Human Rights,   issue. We also have the ad hoc   canoes ... and sand! We have
            generated a lot of hope and   committee on racism and   the Red Sea. People say that
            expectation. I am not only   complementary standards -- a   the country is hot, but right
            involved in the Human Rights   mechanism of the Durban   now its a very pleasant with
            Council. I deal with all the   Conference 1. This year,   an average temperature of
            other international organiza-   2011, is particularly important   28°C. The best time to visit

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