Page 17 - DIVA_1_2017
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work. With its high level of organisation, well-developed The table indicates what has been accomplished in the pe-
infrastructure for the protection of civil populations, nod 2002-2014.
BENEFICIARIES SINCE 2002 BENEFICIAIRES DEPUIS 2002 Since 2002, a total of 84 contain-
ers of equipment and material have
(Ot"IR\ (O\ lA1ERS
been sent to more than 40 benefici-
2002 Burkina Paso
ary countries. This was made possi-
Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Mauritania
2004 3
ble thanks to the financing of trans-
Senegal, Mongolia, Mall, Jordan, Gabon (x2), Sudan (x2)
2005 8 portation costs and the donation of
material and equipment by Swiss
CIte d'Ivoire
2007 2
Burkina Faso, Mongolia
2008 Nigeria, Guinea (x2) 3
Technical equipment enables the
Palestine, Benin (x2), Congo, Cole d'Ivoire, Cameroon,
2009 8
Pakistan, Lebanon
ICDO to render urgent assistance to
countries in the aftermath of catas-
Guinea, Nigeria, Mali, Senegal
2010 4
Bosnia & Herzegovla, Senegal
2011 2 trophes. In 2014 and 2015 sanitary
2012 6 materials, motor pumps and other
Kyrgyzstan, Sudan, Burundi, Niger, Gabon, Guinea
equipment to combat floods were
2013 9
Tunisia (x2), Guinea-Bissau, Cite d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso,
Cameroon, Congo(x2), Guinea despatched to Serbia, Bosnia, Geor-
gia and Ghana.
Cameroon, logo, Georgia, CIte d'h'oire, Senegal,
2014 16
Lebanon, Yemen, Serbia, Benin, Guinea, Mongolia,
Kazakhstan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Warehouses
The ICDO is in the process of creat-
and impressive technological equipment at its disposal, ing several regional warehouses to stock equipment re-
the Swiss civil protection system is a shining example to ceived from Member and Observer States like Switzer-
ICDO Member States on how civilian protection struc- land to prepare for disasters around the world.
ture should function. The first such warehouse is in Kyrgyzstan with equipment
The ICDO has established excellent working relations and material provided by the Swiss Federal Office for
with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Civil Protection (FOCP). This warehouse will not only
(5DC) and the Swiss Federal Office for Civil Protection strengthen the potential of the Ministry of Emergency
(FOCP). The main spheres of cooperation between the Situations of Kyrgyzstan to prevent and mitigate emer-
ICDO and the Swiss federal offices are in technical assist- gency situations in the country but will also help other
ance and training programmes. countries in Central Asia in case of disaster.
In 2016, another warehouse was established in Togo for
Technical assistance the West African region. where the ICDO has delivered
The ICDO provides technical assistance and consulting six containers of emergency equipment.
or auditing support to
national civil defence Logistic & Manpower
and civil protection serv- Logistique & main-d'uvre
ices. In partnership with
the government of Swit-
zerland, the ICDO has
developed a technical
assistance programme
which enables the or-
ganisation to provide Material & equipment
specialised equipment
Malériel & équipement
and other vital material
for civil defence and civ-
il protection structures
of ICDO Member States
and some other coun-
tries. The first country
to benefit from it was
Burkina Faso in 2002.